There would have been only one way to interpret the above title, as referring to the titular head of the Venetian city-state, back when it had an empire. Here's one of them:
A Doge |
Anyway, now that we live in the era of DARPA's grandchild, "Doge" refers to that hilarious internet meme about a dog. Art?
The spelling offends me - |
"What does this have to do with anything, Conrad?" I hear you bleat. Stop bleating! You're not sheep.
"Me And My Dog: The Ultimate Contest" on the Beeb, is what, because although Conrad is still not a dog person, he has shaded over into being an Edna person (although she is currently cross with me because the door to my Sekrit Layr is firmly shut). Art, illustrate Edna, please.
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The scamp in question |
Another scamp, and his dog, too |
Excuse me for a minute as I need to go get my cup of tea topped-up -
- there we go, more Darjeeling to cheer and not inebriate. Okay, next!
This was the Wordsquare word in yesterday's M.E.N. which Conrad spotted instantly, I have to say with a bit of justifiable gloasting. How many of you out there would have got it? WITHOUT resorting to internet cheating?
The ratings were 21 words = Good; 28 words = Very Good and 36 words = Excellent.
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Meet 31 |
As most of you won't, I have to inform you that it's a bad-tempered and shrewish woman, not a species of seabird.
That was part 2. My next question is, do you know where the term originates? I didn't and the story is rather interesting. Medieval Christians believed that Muslims worshipped a god known as 'Termagant', who was cruel and evil-tempered. Ol' Termie subsequently turned up in morality plays and got transposed into The Mother In law.
I'm not sure what this is, but it came up when I Googled "Termagant" |
Which, as it borders on Religion, means it is time to move on -
A Clerihew For You
I don't have to look far for one of today's targets. I refer you to the first article ...
The Doge of Venice
Exuded menace.
He said "The secret to looking stern
Is to have a mouth full of mealy-worm."
Which is quite disgusting, unless you like mealy-worms, or are a bird.
Er - Chaps - Consider What You're Thinking
John Wyndham - or, more properly, John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Benyon Harris - was quite the prescient chap. Consider his novel "The Kraken Wakes" (which was published in South Canada as "Out Of The Deeps" because apparently South Canadians cannot comprehend anything allegorical, analogical or metaphorical) which deals with an invasion of your wonderful blue planet, an invasion that goes unrecognised at first. The invaders, you see, occupy the abyssal depths of the very deepest parts of Earth's oceans Now, let us abruptly jump topics, to the latest on the Beeb's website.
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"Jets of water spew from the south pole of Enceladus" |
Saturn's ice-crusted moon Enceladus may now be the single best place to go to look for life beyond Earth.
NO! Because those invaders in TKW were postulated as coming FROM ONE OF THE MOONS OF SATURN!!!
As yet they don't know about Earth, or at least not for certain. If you go poking about then you're going to lead them right back here!
I'm warning you ... |
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