- since it's my blog I'll post when and how frequently I like. Last night, instead of bunking off and composing a new, fresher, funnier post*, I stayed with the rest of the family and watched "10 Cloverfield Lane", since Darling Daughter and boyfriend Tom were visiting. Not a common occurrence and it would have been churlish to decamp to the Upstairs Lair simply to entertain you lot.
A good film, by the way, which constantly changes direction and leaves you questioning which way it's going to change again.
Right, back to BOOJUM! again, and a little combined trumpet-blowing and stats review - SIT BACK DOWN! It is interesting. yes it is**! In a few weeks it'll be our third anniversary, and it would be nice if the blog could hit 30,000 visits on that date or earlier. Only 600 to go so not an impossible or unlikely task.
So! Invite all your friends! Check in five times a day, if you must.
Some People Have Entirely Too Much Time On Their Hands
I originally directed this slur against the people responsible for this:
Still, pretty cool |
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"Willem Dafoe on a child's bike riding away from a burning town" |
No, hang on, am I confusing that with something else?
The Worst Of Sandhurst
You people living beyond the boundaries of the Garden of Eden may not be familiar with this British institution. It's where potential officers go to learn how to blow things up, order people around and to eat a rose on Minden Day.
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Well it made me laugh |
I know what you're thinking now. "Bah, Conrad, that was thirty years ago! I'm sure behaviour like this no longer happens."
Don't you believe it. Consult that excellent modern narrative "The Junior Officer's Reading Club", which will fill you in.
A Tower Is Assembled
Darling Daughter and Tom were present for lunch today, with the rest of us pressing food on them. "Have this haslet" "have an egg" "do you want beans with that?" etcetera. Art?
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The assembly process |
Once assembled your humble scribe had to get a shot, for evidence, you know:
DD and Tom both found that the tricky bit was managing to near-dislocate their jaws in order to eat the burger.
You may not think this as "news" or even entertainment, but Sal doesn't visit that often and I like to keep you informed, for the truth will set a fee***.
I Froth With Wrath
"Wrath" pronounced as it ought to be, "Roth", none of that South Canadian "long a" here, thank you very much, otherwise it won't rhyme.
That minor point cleared up, I do hope the entertainment value of seeing an old man foam at the mouth - rage, obviously, not rabies - about the Pubic Services^ provided by First Bus has not diminished. Once again, comparing their strike service to that of day-to-day leads inevitably to the question "How do you tell the difference?"
Last Wednesday the 24 was so late it terminated in Royton, not Rochdale, and
"A sled" - that's what it said here. At that very moment, whilst I was scribbling out this post as a longhand note for later transcription, Anna arrived in the atrium. This obviously meant that all scribbling activity ceased, since it would be rude and ignorant to give a lady so nice anything less than 100% attention^^.
We shall never know what on earth I was going to waffle on about, so just assume it was frighteningly witty and caustic and would have caused the First Bus management to fall on their (metaphorical^^^) swords and redeem themselves.
Okay, 2 things - we're at count and I have to chauffeur DD and Tom, so - chin chin!
* This is how I see it, and that's that.
** I didn't capitalise the "y" to see if you were paying attention. were you?
*** Something like that, anyway.
^ See what I did there?
^^ If this embarasses her - I don't care - tee-hee!
^^^ Unfortunately <sad face>
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