- but, like the bogeyman, your humble scribe doesn't care. After all, it's my blog, and most of you have short attention spans.
"But Conrad!" I hear you plaintively call as if desaturated hydrogenated solid-at-room-temperature fat wouldn't melt in your mouth - which is good acting, keep it up - "What are you referring to in a characteristically tangential manner?"
I give you extra points for using "tangential", which is not a kind of citrus fruit. It means digressing, one of my minor skillsets.
A Tangerial. Perhaps. |
- which, by complete coincidence, happens to invoke the name of that country previously only known for canals, hats and cigars. Who knew!
![]() |
Ferdinand de Lesseps. I ain't explaining. Go Google |
Sound The Trumpet! Beat The Drum! For BOOJUM!'s Film Review Has Come!
I know I'm making a fuss about this but I can't rely on you barely-animated puddings to raise more than an eyebrow. Go on, the closest you lot would ever get to a chorus line is watching the film.
NO! Art, I said a "Chorus line", not a load of cheer - oh, never mind. |
1) Take it literally
2) Generalise wildly
3) Never research
"Midnight Special": which has the tagline "He's not like us." EXCUSE ME! Here a correction from Conrad - He's not like you. Accuracy in all things.
Close enough |
Grill your friends. Easily confused |
Henry. Hardcore. |
Person Of Interest, Season Four
The plot thickens. We have comic interludes in "Pretenders" with Walter, an insurance investigator, who expresses near hero-worship when taken under John Reese's protection.
Walter: You're like some kind of superhero!
Reese: No I'm not.
<Enter Det. Fusco in shades and a muscle car, and Shaw in a slinky dress and sporty model>
Walter: YES YOU ARE!
Also, Walter amusingly questions what Conrad has noted, Reese's speaking voice.
Walter: How do you do that thing with your voice?
Reese: What thing?
Walter: Ohnevermind.
As I have mentioned before, Reese speaks in a loud whisper, which he manages to make both sinister and intimidating. One gets the impression that if he has to raise the vocal volume, people are going to suffer. A whole lot of people.
Reese, Walter, Shaw and Fusco. Also a humungous gun. |
Run for the hills while you still can! While they're still there! Have these people not seen every cheesy Fifties sci-fi fillum about rogue computers?!?!"Did someone call?" |
As I'm sure I've bored you with the details already, I'm re-reading Tom Pynchon's "Inherent Vice" again, taking care to make notes about the American idiom or pop culture references that are probably well-known parts of the media landscape across the Atlantic, but which rather baffle your humble scribe.
Not just a Coincidence Hydra - a ZOMBIE Coincidence Hydra |
I took the opportunity of lunchtime to Google for this, and - surprise! What's this but a post from BOOJUM!, from April 2015:
Aha! I think I've caught Tom out in a bit of fictional chicanery. As mentioned oftentimes before, he has the knack of inserting things that sound as if they're true when in fact they're not - witness yesterday and the fake band "Meatball Flag". Today it's the "Gleichschaltung M33 Automatic Bazooka". Now, you can't have an "automatic" bazooka - that being a rocket-projectile firing weapon which will keep on firing as long as the firing button/trigger is held down - because it is loaded manually, one rocket at a time.
Let's just Google this weapon, shall we?
Yup, the only links are back to Pynchon websites like this one:
Some people have far too much time on their hands!
Er -
So there you have it, your humble scribe is at the same point in this novel in 2016 that he was at in 2015.
Stop Press:
Of course, Thomas might have been inspired by the Vespa 150 TAP, a recoilless rifle mounted on a scooter, intended to give Italian paratroops a lightweight, portable piece of artillery. Art?
Low mileage, easy to park and defeats most Main Battle Tank armours |
* No! You don't get a separate credit!
** Some would say all teenaged boys are evil, and only be exaggerating slightly.
*** Danger, Will Robinson, raised to the ninth power.
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