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Wednesday 13 November 2013

Conrad Not Such An Idiot.

Well, marginally
     If you were here yesterday you will have noticed me complaining about how I'd based my English Civil War miniatures, meaning that the simple ruleset and the complex ruleset were now both inapplicable.
     All the time I kept wondering why the word "Polemos" kept cropping up.
     O wise subconscious!  It happens that I have a third ECW ruleset called Polemos and all those little white metal chaps were based according to Polemos.  O frabjous day!
BOOJUM!  Happy as a Prozacked dog
The Creations of Azazel
     Azazel - one of the minor demons, an imp rather than Old Nick himself.
     Yes, whilst driving to work this morning, what did Conrad's eye espy?  No, not bloody wolves again! No, he witnessed a man operating a leaf-blower outside his home and across the pavement.
     'Hang on,' thought I (obviously as if it was someone else then that would imply telepathy which does not exist.  Yet) 'He's not sweeping the leaves up, he's not sucking them into a bag on his back - he's selfishly blowing his leaves into everyone elses property.'
     Thus Azazel.
Of course, if your leaves are Gunneraceae you need a jet engine to shift 'em
 Bless Grooveshark!  Bless It's Pointy Little Teeth!
     Two Cd's bought in the recent past refuse to be recognised by I-tunes for no visible reason, and one of them was "Hawkwind", by The Amazing Power Muffins.  No, I'm lying, it was by Hawkwind.  Thanks to the very wonderful (and free!) Grooveshark, Conrad can now listen to at least some of the tracks whilst typing the immoral lines that greet your sight.

Gluten-free but rather heavy
     The loaf I experimented with last night is considerably less palatable when cold, and hard, and cold and hard.  It barely passes muster as toast.  I must experiment further!  A shorter baking time would mean moisture being retained.  More yeast - half as much again.  I feel the need to have a go again.  It's too late tonight, tomorrow I'm on a late shift and have the pub quiz, Friday I'll be doing the weekly shop, Saturday - ah yes Saturday ...

Richard's Saturday Afternoon Wargame
     My friend Richard lives out in the countryside, making the middle of nowhere look like a bustling metropolis.  Although only five minutes drive from the centre of Sheffield, it really is isolated.
     Anyway, forgoing poetic allusion, he runs a wargame on the third Saturday in the month.  This allows his wife and daughter enough time to plan an escape from the house whilst crusty old men argue about arcane points of tactics or weapons in the kitchen.  Noble Richard - as Conrad pretty much defines a dilettante wargamer,  Richard's participation games represent a bit of practice.  This month's game is set after the Roman withdrawal from England and the following Saxon incursions.
Gridlock during rush-hour at Storrs
Right.  Time to go plot world domination (yes, again - hey it's a big project!)

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