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Sunday 8 September 2013

September SUN!

Sorry to make a big deal of it, we here in Greater Manchester have to make the most of it; we are perpetually waiting for the sun*. 

     It was so nice earlier this morning that I walked into Royton and back again, to do a bit of shopping.  Also to get some beer.  Okay, mostly to get some beer.  Okay, I went to get beer and incidentally some shopping.  During this time I listen to my I-pod - still the 21st century's greatest gadget - and think about current literary stuff I'm working on.  In this case it was how to rationalise and present Dee, erstwhile heroic narrator of "Revelations", as  undergoing a special intensive training course to become a teacher in 90 days.  I have a narration with myself - in my head, as you don't want to alarm people by talking aloud, especially about post-apocalyptic landscapes - and usually work things out.  At home I would be talking to myself, which is perfectly fine as long as you make sense to yourself.
See?  I'm talking to Mister Hand.  That makes it all okay.
 I-Tunes and I
     It took over half an hour to upload yesterday's collection of CDs onto I-tunes - 152 tracks.  Currently The Mars Volta and "Nocturniquet" is playing.  Oddly, I-tunes would not recognise one CD - John Coltrane's "Blue Train".  Firstly it froze, second time around it simply ignored it.  This has only happened once before, with "Hawkwind" by Hawkwind.  Let me just check Blue Train for - oh, a layer of tar or one million scratches.  Nope.  Pristine.  I shall have to Google for an explanation.

Someone at NASA has a sense of humour...
     Here's the BBC link for you:

And here's a nice shiny picture of the nice shiny article:

LADEE.  No doubt pronounced "lady".  Those wacky NASA techies, eh?
LADEE is the acronym for "Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer", which was probably dreamt up around a table in a bar at the fag-end of a Friday night.  Now, unlike the general public, Conrad did know that the Moon has an atmosphere because this cropped up in A level physics - we had to calculate how much the Apollo lander would pollute the atmosphere when descending.  My calculations proved that the lander would destroy the whole Moon, including the dark side**.

Culinary Creations
     Today I made Pistachio and Pecan Ice-Cream - it only went into the freezer an hour ago so is barely set yet.
     Whoops - just realised I didn't add any vodka to it - better see if I can still add it to avoid "Concrete consistency".  Appropriate time to log off.

Chin chin!

*A Doors song
** Come on, do I have to explain the most famous rock album of all time?

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