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Friday 13 September 2013

A Taste of Armageddon

     Yes, aficionado, I went back and watched the above episode of "Star Trek" last night.  Star Trek, for your information, is a cult TV series that had a brief burst of popularity back in the Sixties and which is almost unknown today.
     Well, no, not really.  Just seeing if you were awake and aware .....

The Towers of Toron
     I was going to type that an omnibus compilation of Samuel Delaney's had a setting that replicated the Star Trek plot, except the novel was "City of A Thousand Suns".  I first read this in 1975 whilst listening to my recently-purchased "Wish You Were Here" cassette, and a fine combination they made indeed.
    I may have to Abebook these novels.  It would be interesting to see the spin a 52 year old puts on a book last read as a teenager.
I remember the feller with a see-through face.  The Invisible Woman - not so much
     This process does have it's merits: it makes me formally plot what I'm going to do across the weekend and thus act more efficiently.  On the other hand, it does feel I have to commit to what I've written down. Normally it consists of: blog; novel; reading comics; reading library books; reading Nook; baking; cooking; wargaming writing or research.  I now have to add "Painting" to this list as there are litres of paint waiting to be applied to the walls of my lair.  If progress occurs I may post photographs.  Not a very rock 'n' roll lifestyle, is it!

O Thou Muse Calliope*!
     I have created a rod for my own back here.  Although I haven't posted any evidence, I can create rhymes with a fair amount of wit and humour, first demonstrated during our celebrations over The Queen/Betty Windsor's whatnot anniversary, at my Still Un-Named Employer.  I came out with a bit of doggerel to the tune of "God Save The Queen" - the Sex Pistols version.  Surprise!  I won the prize, a big bottle of Pimms No.1.
     Since then I have chipped in with a rhyme when someone moves on or leaves and this has now become expected.  I feel people will be offended if Conrad doesn't come up with a whole set of stanzas and an epic metre.
"Nurse! Quickly!  A poultice for Conrad's writing wrist! He still has 853,734 rhymes to write!"

*Calliope, Muse of Poetry, and with bosoms apparently composed of anti-matter and quarks.

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