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Sunday 22 September 2013


Book, Nook and Cook
     Book: by which I mean that book of logic puzzles mentioned yesterday.  Got through another one today.  Hoorah.  Evidence of non-senility.
     Nook: I am now 1610 pages into "The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson.  The Nook pages are small but there are an awful lot of them.
     Cook: the chicken pepperonato is set up in the slow cooker crock pot ready to be started tomorrow morning.  The Leek and Potato Soup is simmering on the hob and will be finished off in about 10 minutes.  If I can muster the enthusiasm I shall make some Summer Fruits ice-cream, and will Google to see if there's any recipes that involve lychees in ice-cream.

Project Damnation Day 5,064
     I present evidence to the jury that my Upstairs Lair is being renovated with chocolate milkshake.  The shade of paint, not the drink.
I should have taken a "Before" photo of the spotty, grotty, mouldy, oldie wallpaper
There will now be a short pause whilst Conrad goes to wrestle that soup into shape.

Okay, I am back.  The soup smells appetising but is too hot to taste, yet.  Doubtless others present in this household will sample it and venture an opinion ...

The Horde
     Nope, not a film about football fans.  This is a French film about a police raid on a gangster-filled tower block that also includes fluffy rainbow rabbits. 
     No!  Sorry!  Zombies!  Zombies, yeah.  The two are easily confused.
     Anyway, I like to watch stuff whilst ironing shirts ready for the following week, and I have to iron shirts because my Still Anonymous Employer has a dress code.  Since The Horde has subtitles, it will be very distracting; it also has English dubbing but no foreign film snob would ever consider using dubbing.  O dear noe!
     Watching a French zombie film whilst ironing shirts.  That's Conrad for you.  How do you spend your Sunday evenings?

So - Tanks?
     Yes indeedy.  Gaze upon this contraption:

A Matilda Scorpion Flail
This piece of armoured oddness was intended to wallop a way through minefields.  That giant drum at the front whizzed around at high speed, and the heavy chains attached would either destroy or detonate any mines in it's path.  In action they created a huge cloud of dust and sounded like the wailing of lost souls en masse.

Baldwin's Big Boy Erect Erm Assembled
     Yes the crane construction chaps finally put together the Unfeasibly Big Crane on Friday.  I assume they'll be doing the deconstruction work over the weekend and all evidence will be gone by Monday.  Here is the final bit they added on:
Enormous yet spindly.  Kind of like Conrad ...
Got to go - neither ice-cream nor zombie novel will get done with me sitting at the keyboard!

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