You can be spiteful and unpleasant with 140 characters. You can't kill anyone with them. This came home to me on Friday as I caught the bus home - normally I drive but this week I'm on public transport - and we drove past a pair of smashed-up cars. When standing not far from this spot at a temporary bus-stop on my Night Out, I witnessed traffic arrangements that practically invited an accident. And lo, it happened.
Okay, now imagine this same accident occurring a mile* up at 250 mph*. Both disintegrated ex-flying cars, plus their shattered nuclear-propulsion units, fall back to earth and blow up Manchester city centre, killing thousands and causing billions in property damage. Given the standard of what I used to call the Daily D1ckhead Death Derby, a.k.a the morning rush-hour, this minor apocalypse would be repeated across the whole of the UK until our island was a smoking plutonium graveyard.
So be grateful for 140 characters!
It's a car. It's flying. What more do you want? A rubber biscuit?
Stuff The Flying Cars, Where Are All The Superheroes?
This concept kind of pinged to life in my brain this afternoon whilst the centre of Manchester experienced a tremendous thunderstorm. Dark clouds, stair-rod rain, actinic lightning and thunder sounding like John Bonham going mad with the world's biggest bass drum.
"This - " thanks to a lifetime of reading comics - "is the sort of stormy lightning that, when it hits weedy uber-geek Clarence McSprong, turns him into THUNDARRR! Lord of Living Lightning" I daydreamed.
Well actually no it wouldn't, replied the sensible half of my brain. Young Clarence would most likely be fried like an eel stuffed into a plug socket.
Thanking the sensible side of brain for that image, I did wonder. Given the amount of chemical pollution we've been spreading across the planet, and the duration of same, shouldn't someone, somewhere, have developed superpowers?
Real superpowers, mind you, like super-strength or telekinesis or shooting electric bolts from your fingers. Flight - yeah well anyone with the readies can get a ticket with Ryanair. Superman as a comic concept dates from the late 30's, so I want to know when the real thing is going to turn up. I'm not getting any younger!
"Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"
* Still with them Imperial measurements!
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