There are other calls on my time: the writing, for one thing. The Zombie Novel I am always banging on about, plus a Doctor Who fan fiction that has been aeons in creation. No, no, not Matt Smith, nor David Tennant or even God Bless 'im Chris Eccleston - William Hartnell. Along with Susan and Barbara and Ian. A foursome makes a somewhat awkward logisitical structure for storytelling, too.
I can tell you're fascinated by the way your eyelids are starting to droop.
Hold hard! Another long-drawn out project was my hex-sheet, for a hex-and-counter wargame. 26,000 hand-drawn hexes on a 2.3m x 2.5m cloth. It took four months and is a thing of wonder, but it lacks any terrain features - planning for these involves fabric paints and which artificial features to include. I am also having to concentrate on creating Orders Of Battle for Third Ypres, and then a set of rules. I already have 23 pages of rules, which is only a good start, and another 31 pages of British and German military formations. Some of this data is so old I can't remember where it came from.
Catering: I have the charity baking to attend to, and (you may not have noticed this) a new ice-cream maker. Just whisked up a batch of Peach and Persimmon, with a spoonful of rum because that - allegedly - prevents it from setting hard as a brick. Then there's a shelf's worth of cookbooks to work through, purchased at a car boot sale. Nobody at work has yet realised that if they want a particular kind of cake making, all they have to do is ask. The day will dawn, though, the day will dawn ...
Reading: at any one time in my Upstairs Lair, there are stacks of unread books tottering around the floor, or in boxes, or scattered untidily on shelves, or put away in the cupboard, and since getting a job again I haven't stopped buying more books. I buy them faster than I can read them so there is always a surplus waiting to be perused. Usually military history, with the rare inclusion of a murder mystery. Nearly 400 military books on strength so far, thank you for asking. I have almost completed my collection of the Official History of the First World War, just need Volumes 1 and 4 of the Mesopotamiam set, and then all I'll need is another 12 map sets, and then there'll be the History of the War in the Air <yes this could go on forever were it not for my inner streak of mercy>
DVDs: like the books except fewer of them, and I like to revisit old favourites every so often. "Forbidden Planet", "2001", "The Thing" and "Leningrad Cowboys Go America" - immortal classics every one!
No rhyming title suggested itself
Blogging: although this is a recent phenomenon in Conrad's life, it does appear to have the potential to TAKE OVER COMPLETELY.
* If you can come up with a catchy work-safe acronym there might be folding money in it for you.
** Yes it's a bit weak but books are referred to in Latin as "biblio" plus it's been a long day
"It's not Time Considered As A Helix Of Semi-Precious Stones, but it will mess with reader's eyes."
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