No. "The World's End".
I dunno. It seemed appropriate. Blue blood?
I loved it, and - really - would go back to see it again tomorrow, just to pick up on the background references that got missed first time around. Not the shooting star, though - got that first time, Edgar**.
O Dull Work, Thou Chastisement
In order to view The World's End I ventured into Manchester, Yeah! that City of Sin. After the cinema I felt realllly thirsty and so detoured to my place of work, which is but three minutes away, where I retrieved and guzzled a pint of lemonde. Also I obtained one of our corporate discount cinema cards, enabling me to view at the same cost as a student. What shall I view cheaply as a result? The World's End again, or The End Of The World, or - Pacific Rim? The spectacle of giant robots biffing the spit out of equally-giant monsters*** does have it's appeal.
It was either this, or Godzilla. And we've all seen Godzilla a million times, right?
I admit to having two whole pints of beer from six o'clock onwards. Then I fell asleep. Waking up later I was convinced it was the small hours of the next day. Went to bed. Woke up at what the alarm clock insisted was 10:30 yet it was pitch black outside. Suddenly realised - ah, you got there ahead of me. Bizarre with a capital "Q"! Okay, today I have been mostly <cue Twilight Zone theme>
Time considered as a helix. No semi-precious stones, sorry****.
*Fast Show reference
** Edgar Wright. Directed "Spaced". Several of whose actors appear in TWE
*** Yes I know it's actually "kaiju" but "equally-giant monsters" has more POW. Ta.
**** Score double points if you recognised this as a Comsat Angels record and derived from JG Ballard, English Sci-Fi's enfant-terrible
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