I've blathered on about cake and ice-cream and astronomy and music and science fiction here, but I don't think I've covered the subject of comics yet. That is the printed, stapled, four-coloured kind of comic, not the Miranda Hart type. Maybe a blog about her later -
For many years I used to buy 2000AD weekly, venturing into Manchester to Odyssey 7 because I passed that way to work. By the late 90's I went off 2000AD and didn't bother buying comics for an age, until I started buying Trade Paper Backs. These are collected versions of comics that come out monthly or every two weeks. Now I actually work in the city centre I can mosey into Forbidden Planet or Travelling Man and spend Far Too Much on these TPBs - The Boys, Invincible, The Goon, etcetera. I suppose this is the difference between an eager twenty-something with pennies to spend, and a middle-aged cynic with a bigger budget.
Anyway, "The Boys" - I'm about to read their final TPB, with all sorts of twists and turns and surprises. I didn't realise at first how it was satirising certain superhero lines from Marvel and DC, because I was distracted by the way it beat the reader over the head with OTT violence, and sex, and violence. And how many comic heroes are based on Simon Pegg? Come on, admit it, Wee Hughie has to be Simon.
This is just scraping the surface of comics. I feel long, long, loooong blogs on this subject are to be featured in the future.
Well, I shall be meeting Jane, and possibly another Jane, tomorrow. Not seen the lady for years, so my white hair and moustache might send her into a fit of giggles. In order to alleviate any such levity, I intend to take along some cake. Specifically Coffee and Chocolate Loaf and some Honey and Walnut Loaf. Perhaps a bit of ice-cream too, as there is some raspberry and some papaya left. Cupboard love ain't respect, but it'll do in the meantime.
Yeugh! Chocolate cake. Can't stand the bloody stuff myself.
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