For those reading this who live in sunnier climes, allow me a moment of enjoyment. We haven't had a consistent summer here in the UK for years; maybe a week in May and a week in September if we were lucky. So a period of days in July with sun! is something to marvel mildly about. Several years ago I proposed economising the seasons here in Britain: for two weeks in August we would have Summer; for the remaining 11 months and two weeks we would have Slutch, defined as grey, windy, wet and cold. The DoE rejected my idea on the grounds that calendar and pizza makers would be confused and what about Vivaldi?
I Scream
More accurately, I bore, about ice-cream. The raspberry version has just gone into the freezer, on the heels of the Bailey's and Malteser version; not sure how the latter will turn out, and The Guinea Pig (a.k.a. darling daughter) isn't here to test it.
- excuse me whilst I sink some Ruddles County Ale nice and chilled -
okay, back again, what next? Technology! let me use that as a title.
Technology - the Good side
A confession here - I've not been able to upload photos from my mobile's camera because I was connecting it to the plug socket from force of habit. Naturally this charges the phone but it isn't connected to my PC.
Birdsweat! Conrad you dummy.
There are definite positive aspects to modern digital technology. Having a camera in my mobile is the best thing about the bloody devil-box as it enables me to share the following:
- which is a fantastically decorated pot my darling daughter Sally made. Also heavy and fragile, as I discovered when, as removal man and chauffeur combined, I had to collect it from college. I won't go into the Angel Wings this time ...
Technology - the Downside
Oh the irony - every tinfoil hat-wearing loonwaffle can now create a blog about How The Government Is Controlling Your Mind And Upskirt Shots Are Harmless Fun, or share their stunningly inane life on Facebook in mind-numbing minutiae - erm, think I'll stop this rant before it gets too close to home.
Better be off - still not yet reached the end of Year Three in that zombie novel ...
What the Angel Wings (reconstituted) look like:
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