Yes Yes Yes
I have used the South Canadian spelling for "Mum", sue me, at least I didn't put 'Pop' instead of 'Dad', so be grateful for small mercies.
ANYWAY we move onto the even wilder Part Two of the Intro I led with earlier, where the Father EEGCRIMP ("Evil Entitled Greedy CRIMinal Parent") attempted to scam his Somewhat Naive Narrator son out of $52,000, a fate only averted by the Much Sharper Wife and confirmed by the Much Tougher Brother. Art!
Thank you AI. Now go boil your head.
When SONN and MTB confronted their dad about this deed, he could only come up with guff about it being a silly mistake, which excuse rang rather hollow.
Under pressure from MTB, Father EEGCRIMP admitted (or confessed) that he'd emptied all his savings into a 'bad investment' and the lender was now chasing him for their money back, and the story of how they got to this point was stark in itself. He and Mother EEGCRIMP had blown through all their inheritance keeping up their lifestyle, and were now deeply in debt. They had continued to go on cruises, have exotic vacations, remain members of the country club and purchase designer goods at every opportunity. Art!
For the sane amongst you, that's a 'Lewis Mutton' (sp?) handbag that costs $50,000 yet does nothing that a similar handbag costing all of $50 cannot do. Father EEGCRIMP's retirement money was long gone by this point - Conrad believes Mother EEGCRIMP was a stay-at-home-spend-other-people's-mother - and there was no other source of income.
The obvious question was: how did they make ends meet?
Why, by running a Ponzi scheme at their country club, of course - obviously! - because that's the resort one would instantly go for in a situation like this. Art!
Well well, that's the AI Art Generator's idea of a Ponzi Scheme, and I think it's pretty apt. Both parents were in on this fraud, fleecing their 'investors' after they got up to confidently investing large sums with the pair of delinquents.
Father EEGCRIMP at this point willingly threw Mother under the bus, claiming that it was all her fault for not wanting to give up the designer accessory lifestyle and pleading for one last chance, which translates from Criminal as 'I had no choice apart from divorce or scam'.
Their predatory financial ways had rendered them persona non grata at the country club, even if their marks had signed paperwork that meant Father and Mother EEGCRIMP couldn't be held liable. Conrad doubts this is accurate; you don't get to enjoy the fruits of your labours if they're illegal. Art!
It gets worse. Both parents had been reduced to stealing from the country club's lockers; Mother EEGCRIMP would steal luxury items and Father EEGCRIMP would sell them, that is, until they were caught on the club's CCTV system.
Predictably Mother EEGCRIMP came round in person to try and guilt SONN into paying up for them, because he used to be the softer touch of the two brothers. Unfortunately for Mother Dear, Much Sharper Wife was present and not having any of this nonsense, raising the prospect of reporting the attempted $52,000 fraud to the police. Ass with any Entitled bumbletuck, Mother EEGCRIMP shouted, swore, claimed they were happy to see her go to prison and that neither of them would see a single cent of the inheritance.
MSW should have responded 'What inheritance?' but this might well have given Mother a stroke or myocardial infarction. Art!
Mother after she keeled over
A Commenter on the vlog put it well:
When the case brought by the country club about theft came up, Father EEGCRIMP's Ponzi scheme also came to light. Both he and Mother tried to blame each other, as well as their father's brother, Thomas Cobley, and all their relatives, to no avail. To get out of jail time they had to sell their house and cars, and still ended up doing community service. By the time the court case ended they were both living in a shelter on their pensions, feeling sorry for themselves. But I suppose Mother EEGCRIMP could console herself with her designer bag collection.
A wild ride indeed.
The Haul
I positively relished my sojourn into Lesser Sodom this morning, after weeks of not walking very much thanks to ulcerous toe. For once, the weather was delightful, which came back to bite me on the nethers when it was time to walk Edna. Art!
Yes, I called in at 'Sweet Deals' and replenished the stocks of sugar-free sweets, and as you can see another two books have joined the mountain. The one concealed by glare is - Art!
You can see how thick this doorstep of a volume is, which is one of Ol' Steve's trademarks, because which editor
Also - Art!
Another doorstep, I'm afraid. This is Volume IX of the Official Australian History of the First Unpleasantness, added to the III, V, VI and VII I already own.
I Speak Of Bake But Not Of Cake
For no particular reason, Your Modest Artisan got a craving for home-made ginger biscuits yesteryon, and dug out a recipe. It transpired that we have all the ingredients required, so - Art!
In total there were 22, and I've eaten half of one that caught a tad on the underside, meaning 3 ounces of light-brown (hence less refined and thus slightly less bad for diabetics) sugar and 4 ounces of syrup are now included in the remaining 21, so about 1/3 of an ounce of sugar per biscuit. Conrad can have as many as one per day, whoopee.
A Bad Influencer
You may not have heard of 'Johnny Somali', and I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago. Neither of us were missing anything. Sommo is an internet 'Influencer' who carries out annoying pranks abroad and thinks this is big and clever.
The Sorks beg to differ. Art!
Bafune-features here decided to get loaded in the small hours of the morning on the night before his trial, and subsequently turned up an hour late - thus guaranteeing the court was ticked off at him before the case began - wearing a MAGA hat, hungover and in clothes far too large for him. Art!
This is 'Atozy', from his own Youtube channel, whom had flown to Korea in order to report on Sommo's court appearance in person. Art!
This is Atozy's mate, whom had also accompanied him to Korea, and whom filled in a lot of the legal background to the case, including that Sommo had a fourth charge added to the list of infractions already extant. Art!
The guy in the glasses is fluent in Korean and was translating what the court had said. Hurley is looking a bit Lost in the background.
So, that's four people now in Korea following Sommo with buckets of popcorn. Or is it? Art!
So that makes six people all attending in order to see how badly Sommo has been slapped around. Glasses-Guy said that the Sork police had moved the case forward, which means a greater than 90% chance of Sommo being prosecuted; if they don't bother then a case is usually dropped.
The sentence Our Least Favourite Influencer is looking at is between 3 to 5 years and because the Police are behind this prosecution, he's unlikely to be allowed to just leave the country with a slap on the wrist. O how tragic. Art!
"The book is being thrown at him with considerable force"
In case you were wondering, that's a statue to the Korean 'comfort women', who were involuntary prostitutes forced by the Japanese into that role. This is a verrrrrry touchy subject for the Sorks, and Sommo thought it a good idea to be filmed kissing it.
Finally -
I think our second pot of tea is due about now. Chin chin!
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