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Monday, 3 March 2025

The Effect Of Flying Butter

I Know What You're Thinking

"It won't have any effect until it lands, surely?"

     Ten out of ten for observation, nil for appreciating that, as is the rule with BOOJUM! we are not talking about the stuff you spread on toast of a morning.  You see, I am talking about what my 'Collins' describes as "Any diurnal insect with a slender body having clubbed antennae and typically rest with the wings (frequently brightly-coloured) closed over the back."  Art!

     The thinking is that the name comes from butterflies that were bright yellow, as above, which reminded our distant ancestors of butter, as bananas hadn't yet been invented.

     Talking of butter, Conrad is reminded of a Youtube Reddit I came across recently, where the Reticent Poster's male partner kept disappearing into the bathroom for an hour with a pack of butter.  Butter Perv eventually cracked and told her what he was up to, which turned out to be so sordid that she didn't dare put it down.  Naturally there was no shortage of risqué suggestions, none of which are going to be repeated here.  Art!

At £2 a pack he ought to have gone for margarine

     ANYWAY to get back to the title, what we're talking about today is 'The Butterfly Effect', which comes from chaos theory.  Briefly put, it states that small initial changes in a system can, over time, cause disproportionately large changes in that system at a later date.  Popularised as a butterfly flapping it's wings in Peru can cause a hurricane in the Philippines.  Not that hurricanes need much excuse to hit the Philippines.  Art!

     ANYWAY AGAIN moving on from meteorology, I am relating a Butterfly Effect tale from Reddit via Youtube, where the most inconsequential beginnings end up having disproportionately awful consequences, since these tales rarely have a happy ending.  Art!

     The Cheapskate Narrator explained they were trying to get a $10 discount on an assault course package, by having 5 people take part.  Doughy Middle-Aged Hispanic Guy was eventually verbally bludgeoned into taking part, which was a mistake as he fell and tore his cruciate ligament after the 5th mile.  Slipped on a greasy substance derived from dairy milk, perhaps?  Art!

  As CN told it, DMAHG was thus unable to work thanks to his injury and was forced to stay at home all the time, as presumable cruciate ligament problems take ages to heal and involve not moving about very much, said Doctor Conrad.  He then got into furious arguments with his wife whom he had previously been able to avoid thanks to being in the office, which escalated to the point that he got divorced and separated.  His adult children didn't want anything to do with him after he moved out, so he had to rent a property.  Hmmmm a bit telling that his own kinder didn't want anything to do with Dear Old Dad, methinks.

     Bad enough, right?  Art!

     Yeah, because DMAHG rented a flat from a mutual friend of CN's.  The Mutual Friend was a strapping 30-year old white bloke who was soon to be married.  Then he discovered that DMAHG had used his (MF's) photograph on Tinder to try and hook up with single women.  Rather a desperate strategy because if he got a hot date, they would instantly see a dumpy little 5' 2" Hispanic in his fifties was kind of completely different from MF.  MF found out and was not amused, especially as it was his wife who found the fake profile on Tinder, which must have led to an interesting conversation.  Nor would DMAHG respond to phone calls, because he immediately realised he'd been busted and thought - well, his thought processes don't seem to have been engaged substantially, if at all.

     So -  he got evicted.

     All over a $10 discount.  A personal hurricane from the lightest of butterfly wingflaps.

O Delicious Schadenfreude!

As you may be aware, Elong Tusk (a.k.a. Kaptain Ketamine) has been thrusting his long and unwanted oar into the politics of South Canada, twisting it about and generally playing with the rowlocks.  He can get away with his aberrant behaviour in South Canada, because they see charmless as harmless.

     Less so in Europe and Scandinavia.

     Where is the Tesla being trialled on this side of The Pond?  Why, Norway.  Art!

     The NAFO and Norks on Twitter have been keeping track of Tesla's sales performance in Norway, which has been - underwhelming.  Down 30% in January.  Down 70% in February.  Across Europe?  Art!

59% in Germany, 63% France, Denmark about 40%. 45% total in Europe

     In the space of two months.  Wow, for the person running Tesla, Elong Tusk is doing a bang-up job for <looks up an EV competitor> Audi and BMW.  Art!

Sadly, I cannot Taze the AI Art Generator

     What makes things even worse for The Musk Rat is that his other businesses are all founded and based on Tesla stock, so if this tanks, as it is currently doing in hard fashion, he's rather rotary-metal-helical-fixing-deviced.

     Conrad is only sad there's no popcorn left in The Mansion.


Just noticed this as a by-line on the news feed, and of course - obviously! - I had to share it.  Art!

     We occasionally refer back to this story but it bears repeating.  You see, the BBC's premier dramamentary series was recorded and stored on great big cans of film, which took up lots and lots of room.  Come 1970, when it had been running for seven years, the suits in charge at Auntie Beeb decided to destroy the old film stock of "Doctor Who" in order to make room for newer film cans.  Thus many of the old black and white serials with William Hartnell (above) and Patrick Troughton were either missing completely or had gaps in them.  Over the decades many supposedly 'missing completely and totally never to return' episodes turned up.

     There are still 97 episodes absent that are, by now, unlikely to ever be discovered in anyone's attic or basement, so the Beeb has instead created animations of these episodes, which are then paired with the soundtracks, which all exist.  Not a brilliant solution but any port in a hurricane.  Art!

From "The Web Of Fear"

     The animators are now looking to the Beeb to permit them to go into serial production of the missing episodes with animations galore.  We shall have to go ponder on this anon.

More Matilda

If we're being formal, the "A12 Infantry Tank Matilda II", which inherited the name from it's diminutive predecessor, the Matilda I.  Art!

     Supposedly, the Matilda A11 got it's name thanks to it's resemblance to a cartoon duck of the time.  Your Humble Scribe has gone scouring teh Interwebz for a picture of this duck but alas, there are none.  It's all Dog Buns! Disney ducks from their stunningly unfunny animations.

     ANYWAY AGAIN I have a photo or two to share about the field trials being conducted in New Guinea in late 1944, where the Sherman and Churchill were being put through their paces to see if they were up to the task.  Art!

Photos and captions courtesy Dennis Burns

    Here one of the trial Churchills has gotten bogged-down, which is surprising as the Churchill was capable of great things in rough terrain - at least in Europe and North Africa.  Being that it totalled 40 tons, or at least 12 more than the Matilda, getting bogged-down would be a regular occurrence.  Art!

     This Sherman here has also bogged, and is getting an ignominous tow from a Churchill.  Shermans were a lot less massive than the Churchill but still at least 2 tons heavier than the Matilda.  The Sherman also stood 1' 3" taller than the squat Matilda II, meaning it stood out a lot more, was harder to hide and easier to spot.  The Matilda also ran on much lower gearing than the Sherman, meaning it was able to advance sloooooowly without stalling, just what you want when venturing into dense jungle that can conceal the enemy.

Conrad Agrees

I see the Snake Pass is back in the news again for all the right reasons.  Art!

     Because otherwise I am discommoded when travelling to Richard's domicile at Dungworth.  See to it, mayors.  Ta very much.  Or you will bitterly regret it when I take over.  O yes indeed.

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