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Thursday 26 May 2022

Let Us Begin

With A Little Musical Critique

Why not?  It's not as if we have to bury this in the body of today's items.  I mean, one of the rules we observe here at BOOJUM! is how little attention we pay to rules (spelling and grammar aside ON THESE I WILL NOT BUDGE) so what if we've always had the MC later.  Break the mould!

Not that Mold!

(O there's going to be Tazers later)

     Of late, for no other reason than that Steve and Oscar move in mysterious ways, Conrad has had "Born In The UK" buzzing around in the back of his mind to the exclusion of other songs.  You know, the one from ages ago by Badly Drawn Boy.  Well, the knife cuts two ways, Damon me lad*.  Art!

Conrad unsure about hat

     Let the mature and reasoned analysis commence!

Then you see it happen again
What? Conrad unsure.
The world turned over
Wouldn't it be something to live
Your Life On Mars
Yes it would, and we are working towards it.
Also, David Bowie reference.

Or at least demanding
Of some kind of masquerade
Hmmm nope. Life on Mars infinitely more preferable. Trust me on this. Art!
This or Mars?  MARS EVERY TIME!

I never never ever believed

In things uncertain

Every heuresticianon the planet hates you Hanging round the corner Just when do you start doing time

Damon! Are you referring to prison? In the case of I, my, me and mine October Nineteen sixty nine

O it was a metaphor. He means he arrived on the planet on that day. Art!

As a yoof

Where were you in Seventy Six

In school as a potty teenager, IF you must know The long hot summer

Six glorious weeks of uninterrupted sunshine

This.  A lot.

You wanna be a rebel Then turn your hosepipes on

There was a ban, you see. Extra sun means less water. Much less water.

With two years to wait For the sound of Jilted John

Aha, an allusion to 1978 and the eponymous classic. Art!

Hilarious, tragic and epic all at once

Virginia Wade was winning our hearts She made us want to live

She played 'tennis' and won at Wimblenod, for your information. Art!

Okay if you like that sort of thing.  I don't.
Vicious and his brothers Were trying to set us free

The Sex Pistols, for those who have no idea. Which is probably lots of you.

Lovable young scamps!

But much more than this to you and me This was the Silver Jubilee


     Slightly startling to think we're now at the Platinum Jubilee.

     Blimey, nowhere near the end of this ballad, and we're nearly halfway through the Forest Of Composition.  I think I shall have to call an end early or most of today's blog will be BITU lyrics, and we do need a leavening of other matters to remain mentally nutritious.  If there is such a thing.

     I think I'll finish by punting explosive darts at the motley.  Don't worry, motleys are invented, not born, regardless of what native soil they stand (or lurch) upon.

This'll Slay You

Possibly for real.  Big props to Steve and Oscar for stirring up the fetid depths of my mind and bringing this to the surface: "Gin Trap"

     Nothing to do with spiritous liquors, thank you very much <necks a snifter regardless>.  No, Conrad remembers this being mentioned many decades ago in a comic annual in a story that wasn't remotely comic, being about a poacher who goes to set a gin trap in order capture a raptor.  Art!

     Here we see the engine of assassination before the jaws are prised open; any hapless creature that stands on the plate will instantly find itself ferociously stricken by the metal 'teeth' and restrained in place, until comes along the farmer or poacher with their gun.  Art!

     Fortunately for most wildlife, these things are verrrry illegal nowadays, mostly because you can go down to Tesco to get a bit of game meat and not resort to traps.

More Bridging
As evidence that the Dutch have a sense of humour, allow Your Humble Scribe to bring you a picture of the 'Moses' bridge at Fort De Roovere.  Art!

     To be frank it's not a great picture.  Let's dig up one all by ourselves.  Art!
Much better

     Calling it a 'bridge' seems to be cheating rather.  The idea was to have a low-impact visual solution to crossing the fort's moat, and they delivered just that.  'Moses' because it looks as if the waters have parted for the tourists.  And before you ask, yes, they can adjust the water level to prevent flooding.  Drowned tourists not good for business.

Meanwhile, Back In North Africa ...
Yes, we are back to "The Sea Of Sand" again as Conrad expertly sets the mise en scene, or the background if you prefer to be prosaic.

Eh?’ he said, realising that Fulgoni had spoken to him.  ‘More delays, Fulgoni, more delays!’

          One of the Frenchmen, Valette, left the radio tent looking more miserable than when he went in.

          ‘No use,’ he announced to nobody in particular.  ‘We cannot hear French radio.’

          Templeman glared at him.  Fulgoni was more practical.

          ‘Is the radio set still functioning!’ he asked sharply.  When the Frenchman nodded he let out a sigh of relief.  After all, in a crisis it was their lifeline – literally.  They’d had to use it to summon aid for Benvenuti, stricken with appendicitis.  Count Ricardo, “gallant knight-explorer of the air” had flown down specially from Benghazi to pick up the incapacitated archaeologist.

          Roger unfolded half a dozen canvas chairs and set them around the breakfast table.  He liked the morning ritual of breakfast, even if the meal was a travesty of what he considered right and proper.  Back home breakfast meant kippers or bacon, toasted crumpets or porridge made with cream and honey – out here they had coffee, tinned milk, stale bread and tinned ham.  Their weekly supply truck would be in tomorrow – oh happy day! – with fresh fruit, eggs, bread and vegetables.

          ‘You should try again tonight,’ said Fulgoni to Valette.  ‘Atmospherics will be better.  Or at least different.’

Also Back In North Africa

More pictures from "The War Illustrated" as the Eighth Army heads north and the Axis bridgehead in Tunisia shrinks relentlessly as the First Army also advances.  Art!

     Notice how TWI politely allows the South Canadians prime place at the top of the picture, as we see a couple of White Scout Cars patrolling along a road.  These chaps would be the eyes and ears of the advancing First Army, seeing what's going on and where and with whom.  And whom have they just bumped into?

     The second picture shows light armour of the South Canadian 2nd Corps (their M3 Stuart tank) coming across a British patrol from the Eighth Army, which was bad news for the Axis because it meant they were now completely surrounded on land and at sea.

Finally -

We haven't really finished the blog yet, because my laptop restarted and got rid of the saved document with "The Sea Of Sand" upon it, so I shall need to resurrect it once I return to The Mansion.  O my trials and tribulations.  O!  O!  Also, we have a few new insults for Tsar Poutine.  Try this one on for size:  "Gazprom Gigolo".  Conrad quite likes this one.  There is also the "Nordstream Nong", remember that, Dimya?  $10 billion up the spout with nothing to show for it.  Yeah, yeah, I bet that makes you week into your borscht. Art!

*  His Sunday best name

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