Although any excuse to mention a favourite band of mine, and which might, entirely by coincidence, bring in a few new readers.
"Here we have Dave, modelling the world's most uncomfortable suit." |
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Conrad, looking relieved. |
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Thus |
None of which has anything to do with thunder, I admit. Perhaps "The Delicate Sound Of Thunderbirds" would have been more accurate, as Yes! We are back on the subject of futurologist Gerry Anderson's classic series. This has proven to be a real gem for source material: thank you very much, Gerry.
Yesterday we went on at length about "Fireflash", a giant airliner capable of travelling at Mach 6, powered by a horribly dangerous nuclear reactor that kills all aboard if they remain airborne longer than 4 hours. I think Air Terrainean will have kept that in the small print.
But does Jeff Tracy share this technological marvel? No! No, he does not. IR keeps this secret technology secret, thus condemning anyone on a Fireflash to an hideous end if the weather is bad or there's a headwind. Just imagine how air transportation would be transformed if aircraft were able to use a safe and super-secure nuclear power source. But no, Jeff has to keep his little secrets.
How can you sleep, Tracy? YOUR CONSCIENCE! HOW CAN YOU SLEEP! |
The Haul
I am probably guilty of "My Lunch" syndrome as it applies to social media; you know, where someone takes a photo of a sandwich on a plate and posts it with a breathless commentary on the filling and if it was butter or margarine and how much it cost and where they bought it and -
You get the picture.*
With Conrad you the reader do get occasional pictures of cakes, but that's because I baked them with my own fair hands. What I am guilty of is posting pictures of all the books I buy, because I want you to feel, vicariously, the love of books. Art?
The top two are from a charity shop, and that volume which blares "TANKS" dates from 1977, so it's an interesting snapshot of what military kit was like 40 years ago. They were <Mister Hand intervenes to redact a long, boring screed about cost and value, etcetera> N & M Press. Impressive, nicht war?
Conrad is unsure if it was unsporting of the Codeword compiler to use this as a word. I still solved it (of course!), and then wondered about amethyst itself. What is it? Where does the word come from? Art?
Before After
It is a purple variety of quartz, I am told. Whoop whoop.** The name is derived from Greek, "A-" meaning "Not" and "Methyskos" meaning "
Okay, we've had "Amethyst" - now to be a smart-arse and end with "Zoo" for that full alphabetical experience.
Is an abbreviation from the longer "Zoological Garden", the first of which was opened in the Allotment of Eden in 1828, in
The lovable 'Zoony' from Fireball XL5 |
A very guilty-looking lemur |
Hmmm. Who knew a motley could jump that high?
* Do you see what I d - O you do.
** Conrad, as you may have noticed, is not one for personal adornment.
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