Since I am adopting colloquial English, which means the 'Love' in question is actually a reference to a casual acquaintance encountered happenstance, rather than an amorous partner. This is BOOJUM! - nothing seedy or tawdry present in these pages!*
Otherwise you might begin reading thinking that this is some throwback to the Cold War, where South Canadian helicopter gunships rake the paddy fields with gunfire and rockets, even as B52s - the Big Ugly Fat Fella a.k.a. bomber not the band - alter the geography with kilotons of explosive ordnance -
Landscaping |
FOR YES! We are back to aircraft powered by atomic engines, as we were yesterday, except that yesterday's article would have been about 2,000 words long on this single topic, so it's been split up.
Right, from South-East Asia circa 1965, let us jump forward 100 years, to the year 2065 and futurologist Gerry Anderson's second-best series ("Thunderbirds", for the spectacularly dim amongst you), when mankind (perhaps womankind, too) has mastered the atom, making it serve
![]() |
Fireflash! |
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Close-up of reactor. Closer than you really want to be, anyway. |
Obviously Health & Safety standards have slipped somewhat in this imagined future. What would happen if it encountered severe weather conditions en route?
Fireflash Captain (via Tannoy system): Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? As you can see from the window views, we have been encountering some very bad weather. This is the outlying effects of Hurricane Bogodan.
Passengers: General susurrus of conversation
Fireflash Captain (now sounding distant): As a result we are going to be late arriving in Australia by over 3 hours, so I hope your last will and testament is up to date -
Passengers: General consternation begins
Fireflash Captain (voice distorted by wind): - as by then you will all have been fatally irradiated. Thank you for flying Air Terrainian, who have unfortunately only provided parachutes for their aircrew.
Passengers: Help! Panic! We're all going to die!
Not to mention all those in the impact zone when Fireflash crashes to earth! Oh, if only there were some deus ex machina that could carry out an incredible mid-air rescue and both save all the doomed passengers and Fireflash, too ...
"Hmmm. Not sure quite what you mean there." |
Location, Location, Location
You may not know this, especially if you haven't seen the film itself, so here goes: "Where was the film 'Full Metal Jacket' filmed?" (from last night's Pub Quiz).
There were three options given, but of course - of course! - your humble scribe was writing the answer before quizmaster Steve had finished asking the question.
I shan't keep you waiting: A = London Docklands (much to quiz partner Rosie's surprise). Art?
Stan the Man with Modine the Marine |
A derelict British Gas site was used, with imported palm trees to lend a touch of Asian ambience, and a whole load of imported South Canadian period vehicles. Add a few signs in Vietnamese and Hay Pesto! Downtown Hue takes shape. Art?
A panorama of the plot |
So now you know, and so does Rosie.
Hang on, we've got an incoming comm - just let me put the picture up here and we'll see who's broadcasting to us -
"Only kidding - I'll get Scott and Virgil on it straight away." |
Finally -
Things seem to have settled down on the Blogger traffic algorithm front, which is a bit of a relief, as any hour now your humble scribe was expecting to get a legal summons from First Group, and The Metro, and Russell Brand's lawyers, and the Ruffian consulate, and a bear-trap of an injunction from UNIT, followed shortly by another from Spectrum, thanks to BOOJUM!'s sudden global reach.
What a relief it is to return to blessed anonymity!
A lawyer, poised - |
* Bizarre, frightening or thermonuclear - yes. Pervy - definitely not.
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