Didn't mean to, entirely accidental. It just so happens that any online reference to a particular combination of Gerry Anderson, poison gas and the Javelina wild pig all react to cause a shuddering breakdown in Hamstereality - that being the operating system of hamsters that power all your PCs and servers and browsers.
Please - won't you think of the hamsters?! |
Me! I'm Conrad - what do you mean, "Who's he?" Sheesh. I think your sanity is beginning to break down, too.
Ah, you want evidence? I've got that. Art?
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Erk. |
Last week I puzzled about the traffic figures leaping to, oh, the modest total of 249 or somesuch. Now look at it - clearly those hamsters have gone round the twist.
Okay, that above was a photograph taken at about 10:30 post meridian. I wondered if things had re-set back to normal by 11:30 post meridian. Not a bit of it!
I shall probably wake up tomorrow to find that the total traffic figures exceed 10,000,000,000, before being arrested for Grand Planetary Treason.*
To those who say this increase in traffic is a wonderful thing, I would point out that at least 50% of the blog is slanderous invective, 10% more is incitement to sedition and another 5% is copyrighted material stolen without attribution, so eventually some lawyer will read it and detect the scent of money to be made.
I think we'll let the motley off with a hearty handshake and a happy hello today.**
Quite possibly a motley getting the good news |
More "You WHAT?" Moments
It is a matter of little interest to you puling wretches out there what I do to prepare for the morrow's work on the evening before, and I have to say even though it's me doing it, there really isn't much to get excited about. I prep the breakfast dishes, get out clean clothes and write down all the necessary headings on my notebook; the whole process probably takes five minutes at most.
Then there was the evening of the 12th November. This one made me sit up and pay attention. There I was, earphones in, busy listening and half-watching "Clouds of Witness", a BBC adaptation of the Dorothy Sayers work. Art?
Note the date on my notepad, because what does that character on screen say whilst I was writing?
"You tell Lord Peter what happened, Wednesday last - November 13th."
Dog Buns!
Unlike most of these coincidences I can tell you the odds of this happening precisely - 365 to 1.
Another "W.o.E." Moment
We here at BOOJUM! of course treasure our SFW status, so we only ever post "What on Earth" and never the crude "W.T.F.", because we do have a little class. I suppose "Whisky Tango Foxtrot" might be an acceptable substitute, yet I bet few of you out there are familiar with the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
Tsar Putin's least-favourite thing ever. |
Stunt doubles |
"Is this going to take long?" I hear you query. "It's just I need to nip to MacDonald's for a meal."
Apart from pausing to condemn you for DESTROYING THE PLANET, I shall explicate.
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Note the note:"This is not the actual book cover" |
Conrad refuses to pay more than £40 a volume, which is why he still has the odd gap in his collection.
Okay, the boring stuff is over, you can come out now. What do mean "How can you tell?" - aroint thee, thou rump-faced runyon!***
Ha! Take That, World
Just to show that we here on the blog can mystify, defy and render obloquy (which I'm not going to define, so you'll just have to look it up, Ha! again), here's an obscure album cover from the prehistoric days of 1977 Anno Domini. Art?
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Not very practical apparel for seafaring, chaps. |
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I recognise the top three |
A rubbish aircraft! (We probably sent lots to the Sinisters) |
* This offence may not exist yet but they'll get working on it soonest, believe you me.
** Of course, my hand is wired up to the local electricity transformer.
*** I copied this from Shakespeare, so I'm a little hazy about exactly what it means, but it ain't no compliment.
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