Although one can only shudder with mixed fear and disgust at the prospect of a world over-run by giant flesh-eating maggots, and run by a sinister mind-controlling computer. So, UNIT does have it's benefits, I suppose, besides being excessively nosy. Mind you, a computer wouldn't cheat on it's expense accounts or harass the ladies, would it?
He does look a bit sick, doesn't he? |
Okay, that's what the blog's not about. What is it about?
COPPER ACETATE TRIARSENITE! And no sniggering at the back there, it's a chemical with arsenic in it, hence the name. It was used as a dye and pigment, and if Art will put down his knife, fork and plate of coal -
Delightful. BUT DEADLY! |
![]() |
Will it work on giant maggots, though? |
So there you have it.
No, Art - oh, go on, it can stay up. |
More Answers To Questions You Never Asked
Yes, back to that fruitful source of artistic inspiration, "Unanswerable Thunderbirds Questions", because your humble scribe is nothing if not an otiose literal-minded parser of pettifoggery.** Let the hair-splitting begin! Art?
![]() |
Take a close look |
Take a look at the next two pictures -
Fair enough? I thought so.
Enough pettifoggery! Bring on the exploding horses!
- except maybe not. The RSPCA has had it's beady little eyes on me since yesterday's horrifying instructions on how to make chickens boneless.
Take away the entirely whole and un-exploded horses, unharmed!
There's Irony For You
(You will groan at this later). Mercury!
Have we done a themed blog about this in the past? I don't want to repeat myself. Allow me to check, and in the meantime Art will entertain you -
<Sighs> At least it's not Mara Corday - |
That above is the link from March this year, when I dismissed the planet Mercury as not being very interesting, merely a large ball of rock close to the Sun. Well, not everyone is as dismissive as your modest artisan. Art?
![]() |
BepiColombo |
Finally -
See? Absolutely unscathed.
They didn't have to worry, I don't have any recipes that include "Horse" in them.
And with that, we are done. Cheerio!
* Thick jelly, too. None of that thin runny stuff.
** All SFW.
*** I did warn you.
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