I can tell what your filthy minds have conjectured already, yes, even in the first sentence. Were you not gutter-dwellers of the lowest order - or even ordure* - then you would realise that I am talking about firearms, not smutty films where people's clothes fall off at the slightest excuse. Have I not prated on enough about how SFW BOOJUM! is?
Science Fiction Workshop? |
Well, DUH. Yes, obviously it was done with words. Until Hom. Sap. learns to compose in scents or tastes, words are going to have to do. Which idiot is responsible for writing this stuff?
Ah, that steaming pillock. This explains much. |
Yes, really. I know it sounds like a character from "Meet The Feebles", as in "Selenious Acid and his Mutant Coprophage Musical Ensemble", yet it's a real thing. A chemical compound. Not only is it poisonous (Yay!), it is used to create a blued finish on steel firearms as it reacts with the outermost layer of iron oxide.
Thus |
Better go put the oven on. Those remaindered chicken steaks won't cook themselves!
Although if left any longer they might indeed grow legs, at which point they would surely try to escape, instead of patiently waiting for the oven to heat up.
You What?
Conrad has frequently seen vehicles passing by The Mansion adorned with the marque and banners of "Rotonair", which our resident Neanderthal** sluggard Art will adorn the pages with -
For all your compressor needs. Fitting that niche in the market that Hank Hill and his propane*** suppliers missed out on.
My point is - was that you I heard whining about there not being one? - how do you pronounce the name, because to Conrad it seems there is only one: "Rottenair".
You can imagine their telephone conversation with a potential customer.
"Yes, we are Rotonair, supp -"
"OMG! Rottenair!! You must be trying to murder us with Hydrogen Fluoride - which we read about in BOOJUM!'s earlier post today - so, no, thanks very much, we don't want to do business with you."
Rotonair would like to correct this foul and slanderous accusation. Go ahead, Rotonair - "MMmffF! BBbwwd - fff nnn ggnnffmm. GNNNMMF!" |
More Questions Answered
I hope you're all big fans of "Thunderbirds", futurologist Gerry Anderson's fondly remembered marionette series from the Sixties, and his second-best show.
The first-best? "Captain Scarlet", though it pains me to say it. Designed and intended to portray those nosey rascals at Spectrum in a rosy light, when in fact they FURTHER DATA REDACTED ACC. PRO U.N. RES. 2512 AUTHORISED SPECTRUM
As if anyone would believe that, and with a pine-cone, too! Anyway, back to the plot. We are answering questions posed by "Unanswerable Thunderbirds Questions" over on Youtube. Art?
![]() |
A good point |
The sinister seismic rumbling caused by said explosion? Trains running in the Tube.
Honestly, Art, if I didn't have dinner to cook I'd be getting the Tazer out - |
Finally -
What's a little nuclear ordnance amongst friends? In today's earlier post I mentioned that aerial lurker, the RAF Nimrod, which used to Loiter With Intent whilst carrying nuclear-armed depth-charges. Since some of you have never heard of either, a little background is in order.
A depth-charge is conventionally a cylindrical drum containing a massive charge of high explosive, which is set to go off at a given depth. If an enemy submarine is in reasonable proximity to said depth-charge going off, it's hull will be crushed, and the entire crew dies a ghastly death.
No pressure, then |
"What we need is more firepower!" as they might have said, at which point enter the B57 nuclear depth charge, which has an explosive yield not of 1/2 ton, as in the picture above, but 10,000 tons. Enter B57, exit submarine.
Either World's Biggest Performance Art, or a B57 going bang. |
* Spelling-nazi joke
** Really. We had his DNA checked and everything.
*** " - and propane accessories". Hank Hill is a Role Model Par Excellence and I won't hear a bad word said against him.
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