The sheer effrontery of the BBC! How dare they make such a change! This, sir (or madam, or whatever) was an insult and a travesty!
Conrad is as angry as he looks |
Interestingly, tonight's reconstruction featured Sheffield, which is not a city that tends to get much invaded by aliens, unlike London. I'm pretty sure that a couple of shots of our gang driving into and out of Sheffield city centre feature the same shot that graces my favouritest band's debut album cover. Art?
Any excuse to promote the Comsats! |
Now, time to send the motley into the destruction derby with a boot** full of TNT in fragile bottles!
More Of C.O.W.
When Professor Ian Tracy set down to play "Grande Choeur in D" by Weitz, on a 4-manual Makin - Art?
When I said 'black box' I was being metaphorical, it's actually finished in a wood veneer, and that's it sitting on top of the speaker. I recall my old manager at Connexions, Gavin, mentioning something about such arcane technology a good decade ago, yet I never expected to meet it face-to-face.
"Church Organ World", before you ask.
They are unfortunate because they do not reside in the Allotment of Eden and lack both Marmite and a sense of irony. Okay? That's for those of you who bother to read the footnotes.
Devastatingly delicious yet divisive, and DEADLY to boot (10% of it is salt) |
Oh Goody!
I see that the Beeb has opened the "Have Your Say" function on a sporting item about two ballfoot teams, and they are already up to 523 comments. As you should surely know by now, Conrad has 0.00% interest in the ballfoot game itself, but it is hilariously entertaining to read the torrents of abuse that fans of all varieties deluge each other with. More confirmation that, yes, I am a terrible person.***
Blimey! How do they manage to kick that about? |
"The Moon's A Balloon"
No, David, it is NOT! Were it so, it would have been punctured long ago by various meteors hitting it, not to mention getting severely burnt and stabbed by those chaps on the Apollo program. Art?
An hilarious raconteur |
This is not definite, as the data can be interpreted in two mutually exclusive ways. In the one I want to believe, MOA2011BLG262Lb is the moon, smaller than planet Earth, and the planet it orbits is of the order of 4 times more massive than Jupiter. The relevant data was collected in a one-off event, so only time and similar discoveries will point toward which scenario is correct.
Finally -
Yes, I am posting this a bit late. Blame 'Doctor Who' because it went on for an hour, then I needed some tea before fainting from hunger. What are you complaining for? It's not as if you have to pay for this, is it?
![]() |
Also, I have decided - |
That the villains of the piece in "Atragon" are from the submerged continent of Mu, therefore - they cannot be called Muons, for those are a type of sub-atomic particle. 'Mus' is also out of the question, since it is Latin for "Mouse", and nobody ever found a mouse threatening (except women in "Tom and Jerry" cartoons. SO! I shall dub them "Mu-Mus".
You can now rest content.
* Or - was it ranting snivel?
** "Trunk" for our South Canadian unfortunates.
*** This will be confirmed when I take over the world.
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