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Thursday 3 May 2018

Napalm Trees

Bear With Me, This Will Take A Bit Of Development
I know what you're thinking - "That's code for 'this joke is so un-funny it will take quite five minutes to explain' because it's what's happened before."
     Pretty close, actually.  First!  Let us look at the Bedford 12-cylinder engine that drove the Churchill tank - Art?
Image result for churchill tank engine
     Just because we can, and not because this has anything to do with anything else, and also because your humble scribe tends to omit or avoid anything to do with engines when considering armoured fighting vehicles, because to him an engine is in fact a Magic Box.  I think I have a fair point there - look at the photo above and then tell me what everything visible does.  No! not so easy, is it?  You put Pixie Liquid into the Magic Box, and your vehicle moves from A to B, once you strike up the Wonder Iron Wand (rather boringly called 'a key' by some dull and unromantic folks).
     Okay, back to Napalm Trees.  Art?
Image result for napalm apocalypse now
     Ah, yes, Things Exploding!  What a glorious and vicarious sight.  This is taken from 'Apocalypse Now', of 1979 vintage, because the pyrotechnic people working on this film would have been influenced by those films they saw in their youth, of the Second Unpleasantness era.  Such as -

"The Fighting Seabees" (1944 Iteration)
These bees have quite the sting.*   Although their mascot more closely resembles a wasp, in Conrad's opinion.  This film takes a while to get to the Things Exploding stuff, but when it does it doesn't stint.  Oh no.  Art?
Image result for mew band
NO! No, Art, no - Mew were yesterday.
     Excuse me whilst I teach our resident Neanderthal a lesson <sounds of mains-wired cattle-prod being fired up>
     Let's try again, shall we, Art?

     Hopefully this screenshot captures the essence of the scene.  That's Susan Hayward and John Wayne supposedly in the truck, which is being driven wildly and yes, you can see daylight under the wheels - I did say wildly.  It's also perilously close to the staged explosion because Dodging Dynamite Is Manly, or the special effects team didn't like the stunt driver.  I hope they didn't do many takes for this shot, or that driver will have one hell of a headache.  There's more yet - Art?  and stop snivelling, the skin will grow back -
Done, one feels, with a sense of glee
     Another whopping explosion.  That building may only be made of balsa wood, but there's only going to be matchsticks left of it after the Things Exploding crew are finished with it!  Also note the running extras in lower right frame; they're a bit indistinct, so let me point out that a lot of these people are wearing boots, trousers and a helmet.  Because Dodging Dynamite Is Manly!  They are pretty close to that bang, after all.  Next!
A different property getting the Things Exploding treatment
     Again, there are half-naked extras running about in the bottom right of the frame.  What, you couldn't get a proper job in a factory or shipyard and you have to dice death Dodging Dynamite?      Well, be advised that A. D. Flowers must have seen this film as a child, because he's the one that dumped over 4 tons of petrol to create that explosion as seen in "Apocalypse Now".
     Things Exploding!

Conrad:  Nit-picker Par Excellence
You know your humble scribe only too well - ever one to glom onto an item and suck all the humour and content out of it, in pursuit of the truth, or out of sheer glee at being cleverer than everyone else.
Conrad, looking as gleeful as he gets
     Thus I pointed out to someone on Facebook that their use of the word "Chuffed" means the opposite of their negative, angry, disgruntled self.  It is English slang for being quite happy.  One of the versions is "Chuffed to bits", which sounds more as if someone's gone the Things Exploding route, rather than waving a banner or their hands.
     Then, I queried how long time had elapsed on "The Walking Dead", because it's been going for years and years.
     "584 days," promptly responded Degsy, finding someone had worked this out and posted it online.**
     So, about a year and a half.
     "Why?" asked Degsy, despite himself.
     "Because," I chortled with sadistic relish, "Petrol can only be used in an engine for a year, at most.  WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR PETROL FROM!"
Image result for azerbai
Finally -
Well well well what the hell, that Coincidence Hydra is biting full-time at the moment.  I looked up Comsatangel2002 on Google Images, and what came up but this!  Art?


*  Ouch.
**  Sad?  Bad?  Impressive?  Only you can tell!

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