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Monday 21 May 2018

Going Solo With Some Polo

We'll Get To The Solo In A Bit -
 - and yes, I am once again taking advantage of someone else's bigger budget and advertising campaign.  That's called 'resourcefulness' and is not to be confused with 'cheating', 'slyness' or 'weasel factor'. okay?
     Meanwhile, back in Poland -
     - for yes, we are concentrating again on that doyen of science, Marie Curie.  Yes, yes, I know that sounds French, but she was Polish.  DON'T ARGUE!  Art?
Image result for marie curie
Dammit, Marie - IN POLISH, please!
     If you recall, and you better had, she and hubby discovered Polonium in 1898.  This is one of those Chemicals From Hell that are fascinating to read about, and much less so to encounter in the real world.  A piece of Polonium the size of this full stop .  is enough to kill hundreds of thousands of people.
     Thank you so much, Marie!
     Okay, taking tongue out of cheek, back in 1898 there was no such country as Poland.  Art?
Image result for poland 1898
No, I'm not going to enlarge it.  Take as a given
      There were, however, an awful lot of Poles, amongst whom we can count Marie and hubby Pierre (look, I've told you already, POLISH!).  Since her country was divided up between three different empires (Hohenzollern, Hapsburg and Romanov)**Marie decided that naming this new Snuff Of The Devil after the Latin for "Poland" would be a deliciously naughty way of both promoting Poland and poking the enemy with a stick.
     The Latin for "Poland" being "Polonia", hence we get "Polonium".
BOOJUM! Review Film Trailers
You see?  You see how I still avoid giving away vital plot points and spoilers from "Deadpool 2"?  O but it's a struggle - I can only keep it up if you tell all your friends to visit the blog otherwise my conscience might flag.**
     Anyway, I intend to review those trailers that cropped up in the half-hour before the film actually started, starting with -
"Solo":  this looks intriguing.  No, nothing to do with "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." rather it is the formative youthful years of that rapscallion from Star Wars, Han Solo.  He seems determined to buck the law from his teen years onwards, and we'll probably get some sob story as background, rather than him just being an incorrigible rogue who started by stealing another child's dummy.  We shall come back to this.
Image result for solomon
Well, personally I think that's going a bit far.  I mean, I like the chap, but come on ...
"Jurassic World": Or, How Can We Contrive To Have The Dinosaurs Escape In An Incredibly Unlikely Fashion Again.  Given how frequently this happens, one would expect the larger, carnivorous beasts to have explosive collars attached.  If one escapes, or gets beyond a certain signal range - Kablooie! - one headless T Rex corpse.  Of course it would be a very short film.  However, if Asylum want me to work up a treatment, I can be hired for £76,000 ...
Image result for dead t rex
Trexie did not feel well ...
"The Darkest Minds": Or, Let's Make An X-Men Movie Without Using The "X" Word, because Marvel are both sharp-eyed and litigious.  Oh, and let's not have any spandex, either, because spandex is silly.
Image result for silly spandex costume
Proof I speak truth
 "Venom": Well, now I've seen the trailer I don't need to see the film.  Tom Hardy stars as Venom's Vector, things get smashed, people get punched, The End.
Image result for tocsin
Tocsin.  Close enough.***
 "Equaliser 2":  I've just rewatched the first film, and By Jove!  Robert McCall is not someone you want to get on the wrong side of.  He never stoops so low as to use a gun, because, frankly, that would be too easy.  In the trailer for this sequel, however, he has more guns than the South Canadian State Arsenal, and he's not shy about using them.  Villains, it would appear, have kidnapped one of his old friends, which is the equivalent of painting a giant luminous target on your chest whilst leaping up and down waving a sign reading "PLEASE SHOOT ME!" and shrieking the same through a megaphone.  They'll learn.  Or die.  Definitely one of the two.  Art?
Image result for equalizer 2
Some villainous scum are about to have the worst day ever.
Finally -
Back to odd ships, and the Van Oord fleet repays a visit.  Get used to this, it's been a rewarding theme for  BOOJUM! which means it's going to get beaten to death as a topic.  Let us view the Ham 602, Side-Stone Dumping Vessel.  Art?
Image result for van oord ham 602
Before: ready to get stoned.^
     This is a specially constructed ship which dumps hundreds of tons of stone around the foundations of wind turbines at sea, to prevent 'scour' - where tide and currents wash away the base.  Art?
Image result for van oord ham 602
After: emtpied
      More about 'Solo' and my profound thoughts about it tomorrow.  Mshvidobit!^^

*  Okay, okay - German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian

**  Yes, naked blackmail.  I'm not proud.
***  Aren't I ever so clever?  Tocsin - say it aloud. 
^  Do you see what - O you do.

^^  "Goodbye" in Georgian

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