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Friday 18 May 2018


Yes, I Thought That Would Get Your Attention!
Because there is an awful lot of media merchandise and motivation foccussed on the <ahem> 'Merc with a mouth', and yes, actually I do have some of his comics here in the Sekrit Layr.  But first - Art?
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A bit of Pool present
     As ever, what we aim to do is TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND IMPOSE A SKULL-CRUSHING TOTALITARIAN DICTA - ooops, thinking aloud! - bait you in with intentionally ambiguous titles and then wow you with wit, wonder and wisdom.  Or the blog, whichever comes first.  Art?
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For a change, a Live Pool
     And yes, I have actually parted with folding money to go see "Deadpool 2" at the cinema, which was a hoot and a holler, especially because Vue are only charging £4.99 per 2D viewing, so take advantage before they go bankrept!* Art?
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If DP were real, he'd be every bit as annoying as this
     Now, I can picture you all cowering in your hobbit holes in panicked fear - you readers are all hobbits, right? - because you cannot imagine Conrad doing anything other than blab the entire plot of DP2 across the pages of BOOJUM! for I am verbose and vindictive -

     - but not that vindictive.  No plot details shall emerge yet, although I did take notes.**     But Dog Buns, the adverts!  I did write down that they can be classed as "Pretentious Drivel" for the most part.  I mean, a car is a car is a car - a metal box with a wheel at each corner CANNOT be that romantic - and then I amended that to "NOISY Pretentious Drivel" especially that one about Dolby Surroundsound.

Image result for thomas dolby golden age of wireless
No, Art, No!  Wrong Dolby - oh never mind.
     Okay, time to throw snowballs made of frozen nitroglycerine at the motley (from a safe distance and behind cover).

Who's Next?
NO!  Nothing to do with classic rock albums of the Seventies - although it really is one of the best albums The Who ever did - but rather what tentpole franchise are Hollywood looking for out of the Marvel stable?

     This is Captain Britain, who probably goes into action wearing a bowler hat and twirling an umbrella - British the unsubtle theme here - whilst eating a brown bread bacon barm - still with the Britishness - and speaking Cockney rhyming slang.***

     There are various suggestions, including one for the Fantastic Four, but after the ghastly abomination that struggled out of the studio last time round - 3.9 rating on IMDB anyone? - any studio looking at that for a future franchise is bound for bankreptcy.** 
     Here an aside.  I see it has managed to claw it's way back up to 4.3 and that those chiselling hag-fish at IMDB are restricting box-office details to IMBD Pro, for which you have to PAY.^  Box Office Mojo here we come!
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Beware, for the hagfish is a KILLER EEL!
     The thing about Marvel (and DC too) is that their main franchises are such cash cows that they dare not muck about with them too much, which kind of diminishes any prospect of new and different things being done to them.  Like dying.  How many comic covers feature A Generic Hero/ine getting killed, only for it to:
     1)  All be a dream
     2)  All be a computer simulation ( 1) updated)
     3)  The 'corpse' is actually a robot double
     4)  The 'corpse' is actually a previously unknown twin
     5)  The 'corpse' is actually a double from a different reality - which they mistakenly call a "different dimension" which INFURIATES your humble scribe
     6)  They had a spare clone deep-frozen for just this eventuality
     - I could go on, but the list is probably endless and we have gotten a bit - well, off-track.
Image result for iron man girl
An honourable exception
 - Speaking Of Tracks
"What does today's blog include?" politely asked Chris, instantly regretting his question as a torrent of trivia poured forth, including that I had better mention tanks, since the Facebook default includes that word.
     So to the tank fleets of Perfidious Albion in North Africa during the Second Unpleasantness.  As you recall the number of types, not including variant sub-types, ran to 12.  Take the Matilda and the Stuart as exemplars.  Art?

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Matilda, sporting a captured Italian flag
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The sporty Stuart
(50 mph on good going with a mad driver)
     You can't see the Matilda's tracks, but take it from me they're metal, not rubber like the Stuart's.  The Matilda's running gear is completely different, too, consisting of a collection of small road wheels just visible above the lower track run.  They have different guns, the Matilda's being a 40 mm 2 pounder, and the Stuart using a 37 mm gun.  The Stuart used high grade aircraft fuel, the Matilda used diesel, and obviously both engines were different, necessitating completely different sets of spare parts and tools for maintenance.
     Now, imagine the sheer complexity of trying to supply these vehicles with all their differing requirements, and multiply that by six, and add in hostile folks doing their best to kill you in the meantime, and you begin to appreciate that logistics in the desert was a profound art and science both.

Gosh that was serious.  Levity!  Quick, print something funny - ah, how about that old stand-by, ATOM BOMBING THE MOON!  TAKE THAT, MOON!

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Ha!  Never fails. 
(To amuse me.  Which is what matterss)
     And now, having gone on for rather more than I intended, it's time to say -

*  Like "bankrupt" except worse

**  I did!  I did, and if you're not careful I'll post a picture
***   Subtitled for American readers.  Actually for nearly all readers.
^  <Gnashing of teeth>

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