What's a few hours between friends? And you ought to be thankfully bowing down and kissing the grasses you tread beneath your feet, for still being alive this (rather grey) morning.
"Is he saying that the zombie apocalypse or robot revolt didn't take place - again?" I hear you ask. "Well, duh, because here we still are - again." Art?
Yeah, yeah, it didn't happen. (But there's still time!) |
Asteroid 2010WC9 came within 125,000 miles of the Earth, which qualifies as a near-miss in astronomical terms, and which is about half the distance from the Earth to the Moon. It was fairly certain that it wouldn't hit, but 2010WC9 had been missing from observations for 8 years, so there was always a verrrry small chance of it saying 'hello!' up close and personal. The BBC article doesn't go into detail about dimensions or mass for the asteroid, merely that it was football-pitch sized. Which, with some guesstimates, means it would weight in the region of 250,000 tons, and since it was travelling at over 25,000 miles per hour, any continent it hit would break.
Which is gloomy stuff indeed, so here - have a bunch of daffodils |
Conrad Is ANGRY!
Angrier than usual, that is, since it is my default condition.
"How can we tell?" I hear you ask. Because the clenched jaw muscles, narrowed eyes and - this is the giveaway - bloodied meat cleaver in each hand give away my state of inner turmoil.
Anyway, there I was, carefully watching "The Equalizer", and got hit with a "What Were They Thinking?" moment. Art?
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The stooge and his minions two, too. |
Split up!
That's right, when they ought to be sticking together and covering each others backs, off they gaily waltz, to get scragged one by one.
This is why your humble scribe is angry.
A Bit Of Foreshadowing
If you've seen the film "Deadpool 2" then you'll understand my sly allusion. Okay, let us prod Art into consciousness after his coal-gorging excesses. Art?
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Extra-large so you can appreciate it |
The Haul
Ah, yes, I was in Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell today, by choice in fact.
"What madness is this!" I hear you splutter. "You're there on a daily basis because it's where you work!"*
Yes, and I was back in to watch "Deadpool 2" at Vue in the Printworks, where the ticket price is only £4.99 for the 2D film, so I shall be going back soon.
Sales pitch over! The haul - Art?
Most of these came from Church Street's Market Books, because Eddie has usually closed up shop by the time I get out of the office and the weekend is the only time our paths cross.
The Trade PaperBack of "Invincible" came from 'Travelling Man', where they had got the import but had somehow misplaced my advance order request, so the nice lady behind the till apologised profusely and got it off the shelves. It's the last ever TPB of 'Invincible' and I'm curious to see how they tie everything up. Knowing the creators, in a welter of gore and broken bodies.**
Right, now we're at count, time to go do the weekly shopping. Oh, my rock 'n' roll lifestyle!
* If you can call dozing in front of a monitor and doing crosswords working.
** My favourite!
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