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Tuesday 24 October 2017

World War Tea

Hitting You With A Double Whammy There
I am spoofing the more recent "World War Z", which, in it's South Canadian origin, will be pronounced "World War Zee", and also a rather more obscure film that might have been made-for-television that starred <thinks> David Soul and Rock Hudson.  There you go, I checked, it's actually titled "World War III" which ought not to be read as "World War One-Hundred and Eleven" - three.  Which rhymes with - tea.
     Which is where we came in.
Image result for world war tea
My God!  What horror and madness is this?!
     Now, cast your minds back to yesterday, and where Conrad was banging on about the dramatic reconstruction program "Doctor Who", specifically the documentary entitled "The Seeds of Death", featuring matter-transmission technology ("T-Mat") that had radically transformed human civilisation.  No more vehicular transport, for one thing.  The whole shebang was controlled by a transfer station on the Moon, which could only be reached by - and you're probably way ahead of me here - T-Mat.
     This makes things decidedly awkward when the Ice Warriors turn up on the Moon and carry out sabotage.
     Well, your idiot descendants, not content with creating an accident of global proportions just waiting to happen, apparently know nothing about T-Mat and how it operates.  Quite how this state of deliberate ignorance came about is rather beyond me, but rest assured that the top man, Commander Radnor, based at the T-Mat control centre, informs the UN Special Plenipotentiary for T-Mat, that "Only one person knows how it works!"
Image result for the seeds of death
Miss Kelly at right.
     I see.  The fate of nine billion people is dependent on Miss Kelly.  What if she gets ill?  Or has a fortnight's holiday?  
     It's possible that the Commander means that only Miss Kelly knows how the transfer station on the Moon operates, in which case what is the use of the three staff who were stationed there?  Polish the dials, sweep the floor, die in an interesting fashion in case of alien invasion?
Image result for the seeds of death
We are about to find out!
     Okay, now that this unusually citric Intro is over, let us chuck the motley over the wall into the moat*.

Memory - It's A Funny Old Thing
I did go over the process of recollection yesterday, which can serve as a lead in to the film "Total Recall".  This is because I was prompted by the appearance of Ronny Cox on "Murder She Wrote", as a corrupt and selfish mayor.  Not really evil, as such, just rather on the shady side of a dodgy moral compass.  He was also the white-collar villain in "Robocop", having Clarence Boddiker at his beck and call.  Ol' Ron was also the chief villain - or perhaps villain-in-chief? - in "Total Recall", with Richter at his beck and call -  which is where we came in.  I detect a theme here**.
Image result for ronny cox
Yes, it is behind you
     My considered reflection is that - SPOILER ALERT! - the Hauser who has been given a false set of memories will indeed fight to remain 'himself', rather than have his original personality restored or re-implanted.  Why would he not?  Undergoing the reversal process would effectively kill what he'd become, and what he'd become didn't want that to happen.  So, Ronny really ought to have hung around to ensure the process took place, or doped Hauser up to the gills with rhino tranquillisers, or both.
Image result for ronny cox total recall
He let the pressure get to him
     Here an aside.  Jessica Fletcher (central character in MSW, do keep up!) lived in Cabot Cove, which, based on population size and density, is THE murder capital of the world.  Her friends and acquaintances also suffered from what your modest artisan called "The Charlie Chan Syndrome" - because Charlie would turn up to meet an old friend, who was promptly murdered.  So with JF.  If you ever received an invitation from her to visit Cabot Cove - run for your life!

A Short Guide To How BOOJUM! Offends The World
I've occasionally listed how Conrad describes various national entities across the globe, because, frankly, logic and reason take a far distant place when compared to bile and satirical intent when it comes to generating a name for a country.  Here is a short list, that you may not be baffled in future.  You may be offended or annoyed, but certainly not baffled.

South Canada: also known as America.  Conrad refuses to believe that the American Revolution ever occurred or that it succeeded.
British America:  Canada.  Because it is part of the Commonwealth and acknowledges allegiance to HM THE QUEEN.  Yes, this mahy completely contradict the above.  So what?
M83:  France.  There is a French band called M83, and the name can be kind
 of garbled into "Matey", which is what we are now with them.
Teuton: Germany.  Just because.  Descriptive without being too insulting.
Nork (said with a smile):  Norway.  Home of the Marinenjaegerkommandoen, for whom we are grateful.
Nork (said with a sneer): North Korea.  A starving sinkhole.  Not often ridiculed in the blog because they count as low-hanging fruit.
Ocker: Australia.  I think this is an old and possibly obsolete description, yet I like it. So.
The Polite Australia:  New Zealand.  Because they are politer than their mates.
The Sinisters:  The Soviet Union.  Because they were.
Ruffians:  Russians.  After their fan's behaviour in the Euro football competition.
The Populous Dictatorship:  Communist China.  Again, because it's true.
The Allotment of Eden/The Pond of Eden:  Britain, depending on what the weather is like at time of posting***.
Image result for marinejegerkommandoen
Marinenjaegerkommando with a Really Big Gun
     Wow, we're clocking in at over 1,000 words, significantly longer than a usual blog post.  This is because I've been having my day off today, and was thus able to begin scribing this scrivel unusually early.  Contrarily, this means there will only one post on Saturday, as I'll be working and not getting home until about 7 post meridian.

*  Don't worry, they took the piranhas out last week.  Or did they?
**  He wasn't evil as a starship captain in Star Trek:TNG, but he was pretty much flying by the seat of his pants.
***  Today, it's the Allotment.  Unseasonally nice weather for October.

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