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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Julius Teaser

Say It Aloud
Because it's more apparent when pronounced than in written form. 
     The name is not chosen at random, either, as I refer - obviously! - to the Shakespeare play, which, if I remember correctly, concerns the plotting and scheming that took place prior to and after the    SPOILER!  SPOILER ALERT!  SPOILER AHEAD! I know it was a couple of thousand years ago, but some folks are slow readers - slaying of Ol' Jules.
Image result for death of caesar
They have a point.  Well, several dozen of them from the looks of it.

     Here an aside.  You may not know it, yet the Russian title "Czar" is actually a derivation from "Caesar" rendered in Rus.  Conrad definitely had the wrong end of the stick when reading about the UK's "Drug Czar", as this chap is responsible for the war against drugs, not selling them on.  I suppose the Job Spec for what I imagined would begin "Drug Baron" or "Drug Lord", which titles (as any fule kno) are lower than that of Czar. 
Image result for star
Stars.  Close enough.

           Here an aside to the aside.  The Teuton term "Kaiser" is the Germanic derivation of "Caesar", for your information.  An invaluable Pub Quiz fact!
     Where was I?  Oh yes.  The Romans prided themselves on not having kings.  Kings were out.  Kings? - Not Wanted!  Kings in Rome?   Geddoudaheah!
     Windbag creates a situation, however, where Ol' Jules is presented at a particularly big bash, with a crown.  O horrors the temptation!  He refuses it, not once but twice - Kings not wanted - but not nearly quickly enough for the republican plotters, nor does he look reluctant enough.  No hesitation and a happy face = DEATH! in republican eyes, it seems*.

Ah yes, as present in "Gaudy Night".  There seems to exist considerable confusion as to just who this person was in real life.  A shepherd, say some.  An astronomer, opine others.  Do I hear it for Lithium Battery Designer**?  Whichever, the myth is that he was so handsome that one of the female Greek goddesses developed a pash for him***.  She therefore made a request to Zeus that Endymion remain young forever.
     Going to Zeus is never a good idea.  The gods of Olympus were extremely capricious, and so it proved here.  Zeus proving what an utter pratwangle he was by blessing/cursing (it all depends on your point of view) Ol' Endy with eternal sleep.  Conrad, modern age skeptic, is not entirely sure how sleep bestows immortality, but we shall sweep this under the carpet of Poetic Licence.
     So! Endymion.  Eternally asleep and youthful.  Although another part of the myth credits him with siring 50 children, so - ah - SFW and all that.  Let us not go there.

Conrad is used to Jenny, our cyborg sentry cat, laying a patrician claim to his bed, lying there looking back with a "What, puny human?" expression on her face.  Howsoever this may be, I didn't expect to get the same treatment from our mobile four-legged alarm system (a.k.a. Edna).  Art?

     Don't be fooled by the Official War Diary of the 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade Machine Gun Company lying open there - she can't read.  The I-pod - that I'm not so sure of, as she can certainly hear and then some.

What's In A Name?
The stock response is "Four letters".  However, in this case, one has to reply, not a lot.  Here we have luxury apartments in the centre of Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell.  Although note the proviso that these pictures are for illustrative purposes only.  You bet.  For one thing, it isn't raining.  And the prices only start at £193,000.  Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and lounge or £48,250 per room.  The kicker is the name.
     Really?  Someone has been painfully literal in the selection of a name here.  Painfully prosaic, even.  Do they even have access to local transport?  You know, like a tuber station^?

Finally -
because I need a little something to get to count, I am now reading the second volume in "The Expanse" series of novels by James Corey, "Caliban's War".  The politician who featured in the first television series has now made an appearance, and one thing the television series has done is tone down her potty mouth.  Despite appearing as a dignified old Indian lady, she swears like a party of drunken sailors.  Being SFW means I cannot replicate any of her swears here, but - O my!

*  Mister Hand would like to point out that Conrad, who professes to loathe Shakey, has a suspiciously good working knowledge of his writings, nicht war?
**  No, because that would be silly <the bitter truth courtesy Mister Hand>
***  Apt in view of Ol' Dot describing Lord Peter Wim in glowing terms, not to mention his cousin St. George.
^  I'm not sorry about that, not one bit.

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