I don't care if that's a spoiler, the film came out aeons ago and you ought to be familiar with it by now.
It's also WRONG! I doubt Harry Harrison, who wrote the source novel "Make Room! Make Room!", was pleased at the film's ending, as in the book Soylent Green is simply a mixture of Soya and Lentil. It's in the name. If Harry were still with us, he might be ironically amused that our world's current population of 7 billion equals the hideous dystopian total in MRMR, absent the shortages.
Accurate! |
Well now, none of that has anything to do with Nibiru, which, if you believe the swivel-eyed conspiranoid loonwaffles, is a rogue planet about to collide with Earth.
Don't rush to gaze upward at the skies, because it doesn't exist. Of course, a little matter like that never stopped those who are lightly endowed with intellect from believing in Nibiru. They will cite all sorts of nonsense in support of the invisible planet that is so close it causes earthquakes, extreme volcanic activity and makes cows fall asleep standing up, yet cannot be seen.
Oh, and NASA is hiding the approach of this planet, because - well, because they're NASA therefore they are eeevil, and because - well, just because. Apparently they have a monopoly on telescopes or blackmail material on every astronomer going, and enforce the media blackout that way. Quite how they manage to stop people simply looking at the skies is a mystery; or perhaps the sky is actually a hologram put up by NASA. Don't laugh, I bet someone out there is pushing that as a conspiracy, and trying to make money out of it.
Spot the Nibiru |
Doggone It
If you have been reading these words with any regularity AND YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN* then you will recollect that Conrad has barely any sense of smell. This is no great hardship, as strong smells give me a migraine. It also proved a blessing when our Furry Daughter's diet got changed, from processed to raw. Wonder Wifey had to break up a vast lump of tripe, then to break it down into smaller units.
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Doubtless dreaming of tripe |
It stinks to high heaven, apparently - I have to take WW's word for it, no sense of smell, remember? - and despite, or even because of, this, Edna gobbles it up as if it were ambrosia. She loves it. In her mind, Heaven is a place where there is endless tripe to be eaten.
I thought I'd better clarify this word, since I brought it into the conversation**, and one of my pet peeves is people introducing stuff without explaining it, apart from those pages of cod mathematics in "They Shall Have Stars", Mister Blish could have kept all that guff to himself. Those of you who live in the Pond of Eden may be familiar with a brand of rice pudding that has usurped the mantle. Art?
'Ambrosia' is actually a term from Greek mythology, a nectar that was brought to the gods on Mount Olympus, and which foodstuff conferred immortality upon them, which is a bit much to expect from creamed rice. Perhaps it also staves off rogue planets?
Find the Nibiru |
Yet More On Sieges
Believe it or not, at the commencement of the First Unpleasantness, there was a Siege of Liege. It didn't last long, the Tuetons and Hapless armies were using super-heavy artillery that smashed the Belgian forts quick smart. With the use of bigger and more powerful artillery, you had to place your outer defences a long way from whatever you wanted to keep hale and hearty.
Freud, I imagine, would have made something of this beast ... |
Anyway, the next important development in siege warfare was the creation of LITHIUM BATTERY DESIGN! No, hang on, that's yesterday's post breaking the reality barrier -
Helicopters, that's what I meant. With the advent of helicopters, you could fly in supplies and evacuate the wounded, regardless of how large or small your defended locality was, and whether it was flat or not. This made the job of the attacker a lot more difficult, which probably made them even angrier than they were, due to whatever casus belli there was***.
Not That There's Anything Wrong With Talking To Yourself
I do it all the time. Plus, I have that treacherous colleague Mister Hand to converse with, the truth-telling swine. If I wasn't so attached to him ...
Damn Your Eyes, Universe!
It's not as if the word "Ambrosia" nor any of it's derivatives are especially common, is it? Yet what do I find on the Beeb's website? LITHIUM BATTERY - no, sorry -
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Upper left |
* For this is the only hope you have of surviving when I take over.
** It may be one-sided but yes it is a conversation. Or am I talking to myself?
*** Latin for "cause of war". Now you know.
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