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Thursday 19 October 2017

King Tear

Pronounced "Tee-ah" Not "Teer"
This is nothing less than a "triple whammy", as I believe the slang expression in South Canada goes. 
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Robbie the Robot.  Here simply because I can.
     First and foremost, we are mocking Windbag Willie Shakespeare.  I mean, get this:" All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.  They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."  When he could have, far more succinctly put "Life's a play".  Did he get paid by the word or what?
     Secondly, this title also keeps up the puns based on tea (or coffee, at a pinch) which have been a theme for Lo! these many weeks.  Like it or -

    - hang on, let me just check that Ben Folds is still alive - Phew! yes he is, it was only a migraine, not a brain tumour -

     - where was I?  O yes - like the punny theme or loathe it (and if you loathe it I am curious as to why you keep coming back here, because I'm not going to change) there are more to come.  The trick is to find puns relevant to the Barf of Avon, which is tricky, but challenging.
     Fourthly, we also get to meet - okay, yes, thirdly, just seeing if you were paying attention - we get to meet the Coincidence Hydra.  Art?

     Say hello, Hydra - if you can.  Teeth are usually buried in my Gluteus.
     Here an aside.  It used to be the Coincidence Hammer.  I got hit on the head by it, except this happened far too often and your humble scribe ended up with a headache.  So, we had a Metaphor Metamorphosis - or was it a Metaphor Mutation? - a change, anyway.  Now I no longer get headaches*.
     Righto - that's the Intro out of the way, let us proceed to the meat of the matter.  Or, perhaps, the matter of the meat.

BOOJUM! Reviews Things
Normally we direct our narrowed, critical eye at films, but today we are branching out a bit, and tackling a video game and An Experience also.  It's not multi-tasking, just directing Frothing Nitric Ire in different directions.  Next!
"Jigsaw":  Good lord aloft, which idiot keeps green-lighting these interminably dull art films?  Remember "The Drop"?  or "The Room"?  What is this wretched celluloid atrocity going to involve?  Let me guess, a real-time completion of a 1,500 piece jigsaw.  Snores.  Do they really expect people to pay good money for this?
Image result for boring jigsaw

"Gran Turismo": At first your humble scribe, seeing bus posters and a vast banner adorning the side of an entire office block, imagined that this was a fillum.  Not a bit of it.  Apparently it is a computer game, and it involves driving cars around.
     O rly?  That's it?  Conrad used to drive to and from work and the less he has to do with cars and driving, the happier he is**.  Whoever makes this game has flogged 76 million units of it, which means raking in nearly £4 billion.
     ARE YOU LOT OUT THERE INSANE!  £50 a throw to experience traffic jams, selfish divers and idiots with a death wish who are willing to kill themselves, their passengers and anyone who gets in their way - solely to get to work 30 seconds early.
"Dinosaurs In The Wild": When I saw the bus poster for this I was SO excited!  "At last, the cloning methods that Michael Crichton proposed have finally come to fruition!  Real life living breathing dinosaurs!  See - the - wow, d'you think they managed to bring back the Liopleurodon?"
     Sadly it was not to be.  It's a travelling exhibition that intends to fleece you of your money - if you have any left after buying all those GT games - with 3D displays and a few animatronics.
Image result for liopleurodon vs mosasaurus
Ol' Lio.  Admittedly it would be difficult to clone ...

What's In A Name?
I know I asked this question yesterday, so this is obviously a different name.  It is!  Don't argue, it's my blog and I know all about the poisons of antiquity, not to mention how to build a thermonuclear warhead.
    Which brings me quite neatly to the question - when did N.B.C. become W.M.D.? 
     NO!  I do not refer to either the National Coal Board nor World Of Music Art and Dance.
     "Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical" weapons, for your information.  It was good enough for us children of the Cold War.  When did it transform into the (Sinister's) abbreviation for "Weapons of Mass Destruction"?
     Enquiring minds want to know***.
Image result for national coal board
Vital protective gear

*  But cannot always sit down.
**  As far as I ever crack my frozen, forbidding visage, that is.
***  Or is it just me?

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