- yet then again, perhaps not. I'm guessing that the number of old whippersnappers out there is probably considerably outnumbered by the number of young whippersnappers, the latter possibly not being up on lexicography from the Fifties.
"This is him sober?" I hear you query. "Good lord aloft, what's going to happen on Wednesday when February arrives?*"
Anyway, back to "Furshlugginer", which I remember reading in MAD and on occasion in other major works of literary merit. At the time I realised it was an adjective, yet was rather hazy about exactly how adjectival it was. Nor could you look it up in a dictionary because it was Anglicised Yiddish from a South Canadian comic; Webster's wouldn't sully their pages with such sordid stuff.
It means - and I'm not going to apologise for taking so long to get to the point because this is how we operate at BOOJUM! - "well-worn" or "battered". Conrad would like to feel that he befits the former, rather than the latter: I'm not a piece of fish, after all.
What you'd better not be saying |
Continuing with a marine theme, what I meant to say is that I'm watching "The Poseidon Adventure" in full, after having seen some of it earlier this week, then harping on the production and finding a web-page composed as a labour of love by someone who'd spent three months compiling it. Herein the link:
Worth checking out, especially since a lot of his facts appear to have been lifted and posted directly into the IMDB entry for TPA.
The SS Poseidon, you see, is an old ship, sailing on her last voyage to a breaker's yard in Greece. Well past her best and about to be torn apart for scrap, you could describe her as a Furshlugginer-with-pretensions.
Quite a bit of frothing here, too |
The Doomsday Clock
This terminal timepiece has been in the news of late, due to various political shenanigans going on in the real world that your humble scribe finds too tiresome to repeat here. I also refer you to one of our Operating Principles, about avoiding Current Affairs.
Here an aside. Yes, already, it's my blog so yah booh sucks to any critics. I do make an exception for "Ask A Korean"'s blog, because Korean politics are like The Mother Of Parliaments bred from "Coronation Street" via way of "The West Wing". I may report back on occasion about the impeachment proceedings underway. Anyway, here's a picture of Seoul by night, just for the shizzle of it.
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A fairyland of lights, eh? |
Hmmm, is my considered opinion.
Further Frothing
I have to say, the Flophouse Facebook page is a veritable seethe of activity on a regular basis. They never stop posting, either replies to older stuff or newer, more bizarre posts. Occasionally they speak sense, as when Stuart Wellington*** posted about a live critique of "Suicide Squad" and the travel arrangements thereto. Conrad looked wistfully at the thread and decided that travelling the Atlantic on a school night was slightly too long a commute.
Evidence Of Absence
Absence of intellect, that is. I did post earlier about doing badly at the MEN's word puzzles, and here is proof. Art? Put down that coal!
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The shame, the shame ... |
* I'm going sober for January. I may have mentioned this in passing once or twice.
** Linkin Park reference. I am so down wiv da kidz.
*** One of the podcasters
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