Don't worry, this isn't about one of those mind-bending paradoxii that appear on "Doctor Who" where they puzzle out how the chicken suddenly appeared simultaneously with the egg, except the chicken was a cyborg and it was a dinosaur egg -
If you have an effective memory, then
Somewhat to my muted horror, it turns out that I last worked on this particular hobby a year ago - see above screenshot for confirmation. Your humble scribe was aware it had been a while, but - a year? A YEAR? Dear me. There I was thinking a few months at most.
The lesson to take away from this, dear reader, is that your memory - or, in my case, mine, who goes by the name of "Steve" - is a treacherous and unreliable entity.
More Horror, Still Muted
Imagine the scene - your humble scribe is looking, aghast, at his alarm clock, which did not go off. He is, appropriately enough, alarmed. The hands mockingly indicate 10:30, the room is in daylight and a moment of panic strikes like a non-lethal lightning bolt.
"It'll take at least an hour to get into work! I'll have to ring ahead and see if this can be down as a half-day holiday!" and that's without taking time to scrape the stubble off my squamous skin and rinse the scurvy out of my hair.
Then the penny dropped. Actually a twenty-pence piece, given inflation.
It was Sunday morning. Not Monday.
However, that horror had been real for a few seconds. Go on, enjoy a bit of schadenfreude and laugh at an old man - who doesn't even have the excuse of still feeling the effects of his hangover.
"Time Considered As A Helix Of Semi-Efficacious Zones"
Of course you recognised that as a spoof of the Samuel Delaney short story (which all these years I had thought to be a J. G. Ballard work), and which gives me an excuse to add-in a picture of the album by The Comsat Angels (which is a title from a J. G. Ballard work).
Writ large so you can appreciate them all the more |
You DID recognise that as a spoof, didn't you? Because if not, there will be consequences. Serious consequences. Zones, you see. Time. Time zones? O I give up.
"Where are you going with this, oh white-haired word-wielding wonder?" I hear you ask, which is quite flattering, by the way.
In the direction of DATE-EXPIRED FOOD! of course. I did say it was a matter of time, and in this case it's time-elapsed. Meet Unami Paste, which I threw over a bowl of Pierogi* and guzzled down last week. Expiry date some time in 2014, which is long ago for us not to need bother what the month or day was.
![]() |
October 2014. So, nicely matured. |
Here's another treasure I discovered at the back of the kitchen cupboards
![]() |
Parrots Of Phear
Yes, yes, I know that's been picked out as a spelling mistake, well it's not, I just invented it, which makes it entirely valid. If you disagree, the exit door IS THAT WAY!
Conrad remembers and mourns the passing of that model shop on Deansgate - the name escapes me - who, for - no, not that kind of model, I meant the Airfix or Tamiya variety, not Revell, they were rubbish - where were we? Oh, yes, who for some bizarre reason had a parrot in a cage in their basement. Perhaps this is a retail synergy your humble scribe is unaware of? "Everything sells better with - PARROTS!" or "Airfix and African Grey - sell better today."
Is this parrot goose-stepping? Is this a mixed metaphor? Only you can tell! |
There was a warning sign on the cage, may I caution you, along the lines of "Don't put your finger in here because a fully-grown African Grey** can sever a finger in a trice."
Imagine, if you will, the foot-pounds exerted by this, and then add feathers |
* Only 9 days out of date so they don't really count.
** It may have been Blue. Memory's hazy***.
*** Passing nod to The Chameleons, contemporaries of the Comsats.
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