But when has that ever stopped me? Anyway, on with the Intro.
There I was, listening to "Born In The Echoes", last year's disappointing album by the Chemical Brothers (even "Q" only gave it 3 stars) and the second track in is called "Go", which is an okay kind of track, nothing special -
Yeah, hang your heads the pair of you! |
What's that? You want to know if "Star Trek" will appear here or if the title is a shameless attempt to trick more visitors into scorching their eyeballs and intellect with BOOJUM! do you? A bit of both; later.
So, the Chemical Brothers "Go":
For what it's worth. Now, if you take Public Service Broadcasting's track "Go", this is much better - about Apollo 11 landing on the Moon, and a corker of a track. Here's the link for it:
Go for it*! Best track on the album, although "The Other Side" runs it close.
The LEM in all it's silvery glory. Plus astronaut |
Then there was going to be "Go" by Stomu Yamashta, until I realised I don't actually have a copy and thus can't brag about it, so instead we have "Go2" by XTC.
There you have it, the whole album in all it's glorious late Seventies post-punk pop power, Partridge-ly**.
Handy Partridge |
"I hope you have a little dog - BECAUSE I'M GOING TO GET IT, TOO!" |
Deceptively simple-looking. Deceptively. |
Not that, once read, anyone would really want to imitate us. Our house rules are - Generalise, Misconstrue and Insult. Research? A mis-spelling of "Re-starch" applicable to shirt collars. Let the rotley*** begin!
BAD MOMS: Conrad noticed this earlier in the year so this must be the DVD release. Still with the South Canadian spelling, I see. Let me guess, this film is about a load of deadbeat women doing drink and drugs - Boozed-up Addicted Douchebag Moms? How come the Daily Mail in't fulminating about this film with a shrieking headline along the line of "THIS AMERICAN FILTH!"?
Lady Macbeth and Cersei Lannister: I rest my case
LIGHTS OUT: Hearken ye! Is this coincidence, or cash-in? Obviously, given the way "Dad's Army" has hit the headlines of late, this is a spin-off about Hodges the ARP Warden.
Here an aside for those unfamiliar with British etymology of the Second Unpleasantness. "ARP" = "Air Raid Precautions", and a Warden of same would be responsible for observing and maintaining blackout rules, in order to deprive the Teuton bombers of aiming points or navigation aids.
Of course, I could be over-thinking this ...
Dressed in black so they match the night (a wolf howls offstage) |
DON'T BREATHE: A thriller, unless a lot of blood is spilt, in which case it's a horror. One rather suspects it will come with a disclaimer at the end - or perhaps before the title even rolls - "The producers assert that this film's title is purely for entertainment purposes, and do not accept any responsibility for any audience members who voluntarily asphyxiate."
There are exceptions ... |
THE EXORCIST: Ah yes, the Second resort of the Hyper-Harrassed Hollywood Henchman (First resort is A Remake). Take a film and turn it into a television series. It worked well for "Alien Nation" and "Westworld"^ Well, Conrad will suspend judgement. Like this -
![]() |
The Sword of Damocles, you philistines! |
That is, Gegs or Tosks? These being the two principal ethnic groups in Albania.
What? You expected something else? Apart from "G.o." that is. Whatever could you mean?
For your information, the Gegs are the manly, macho, rough and tough Northeners who have six sugars in their mug of tea, as opposed to the effete, limp-wristed plains-dwelling Tosks, who only drink decaff lattes out of china thimbles.
Actually, lest you enter into the Land of the Eagle, even the Tosks are as rough as badger's bottoms and you'd do well not to get on the wrong side of either.
Saturday night down the pub with some Gegs |
* Do you see - O you do.
** Andy Partridge, Lead singer & songwriter
*** A new word for BOOJUM! composed of equal parts "motley" and "rotten"
^ Second time around!
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