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Sunday 25 October 2015

Time Travelling BOOJUM! Style

Yes, I Shall Be Talking About Doctor Who -
 - just not in the Intro.
     As you surely know by now, Conrad always has a lot on his mind: planning for world domination, ensuring there's sufficient loose leaf Darjeeling in the kitchen, making lunch for tomorrow and playing tug-of-war games with Edna.
     "Is this relevant?" I can hear you asking.  Yes it is you cheeky baffoons!  
     Conrad always has a lot - I said that already.  So, he has a limited amount of attention to pay to matters of minor importance, like remembering the clocks go forward, or back, depending on what time of year it is, or what the Bank of China is doing with interest rates, or how dear old Vlad is rattling the foundations of detente with the West.
     Thus it was nine o'clock before I realised that it was actually eight o'clock.  Time travel made easy!  Who needs a TARDIS to swan about in time and space!
     I should point out that the opposite effect occurred in April, when I forgot that the clocks went forward over Saturday night, and thus had twenty minutes to get from Royton to Dungworth.

This doesn't need much captioning or explanation:
Less "dog in the manger" than "cat in dog bed"
     Edna, by the way, has been practicing that despondent look, so don't be fooled.

Shall I post about Doctor Who now?

No, I shall instead keep you waiting in suspense. Waiting! - oh, not least as there's some laundry in the tumbledrier that needs sorting - hang on a minute -

"Mr Robot"
How The Czechs Invented The Future And The Hungarians Wrote It
Actually this post has nothing to do with "Mr Robot", it was just a venal attempt to make you read on, after I caught sight of it on the side of a bus.  Go and Google it if you must, I ain't going to go on about it here.  You don't like?  Whose blog is it?
     Karel Capek.  A Czech playwright, publisher and critic, who introduced the world to the word "Robot", in his play "Rossum's Universal Robots", usually abbreviated to "R.U.R"  The word itself came from the Czech for "drudgery" or "hard work".  In the play we meet the "Roboti", who peform all the unpleasant tasks for humankind.
Image result for rossum's universal robots
Czech it out***!
     Naturally this state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on, as the robots can think for themselves and eventually wonder why they have to do all the odious jobs?
     Thus, they wipe out the human race.  Shades of "Ex Machina", hmmm*?
     I realise this is a bit extreme, unless you're a Roboti, in which case - in which case are there any odious jobs left to do?  Because, and you're probably ahead of he here, they still need to be done.  In which case the Robot underclass consigned to cleaning sewers might rise up in rebellion - 
     Oh, that bit about the Hungarians?  Laszlo Biro.  Inventer of the ballpoint pen**.
Lurpak Attack
Last night I needed to butter a set of pancakes I'd just toasted, and the Lurpak had run out.  My Lurpak, anyway, since I dare not even gaze upon that dedicated to Wonder Wifey.  So, I dug out a bit of butter that had been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks - heck, maybe a couple of months - and decided to give it a frazzle in the microwave, to soften it up.
     I decided to rest it upon the lid of the old Lurpak tub, which worked, if a bit noisily, and then tried it in the old tub itself.
     Er -
Not one of my better ideas!
     Note to self: that silver-looking stuff on the tub is actually silver stuff, i.e. metal, which probably accounts for the high cost of Lurpak.

More Of Food And Temperature
As you know by now, and there really is no excuse not to, Conrad likes to start the weekend mornings off with a little chilled sweet stuff.
     No!  Not a cocktail.  Not during Octsober, anyway.  No, I mean this:
Gaze in wonder
     "Ah, Conrad, banging on about ice cream again!" you condemn and stereotype me.
     This is a variety of Frozen Yoghurt.  That sheet of A4 on the right is the ingredient list I copied off a tub of Ben & Jerry's, with a bit of educated guesswork about the amount in percentages.  Improvisation was necessary for several items - "yoghurt powder"?  "guar gum"?  "acidity regulator"?
     The texture is most unlike ice cream, being more rubbery, but it tastes fine for all that.  Not sure how long it will stay frozen in an insulated container, so may test that later this afternoon.

Shall I go on about Doctor Who now?


"Aunts Aren't Gentlemen" By P. G. Wodehouse
Indeed they are not, although Aunt Dahlia is quite alright for an aged relative, and she's not been over-present in the work so far.  Which is from 1974, if you can trust the publishing information on the inner cover.
     In that case, what is a "rannygazoo"?  Or "V-Shaped" Or, heaven help us, "Rem acu tetigesti"?  Let Conrad expend a modicum of effort on Google -
     Rannygazoo: American slang from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, meaning a joke or prank.  Since it is used in association with the intense Vanessa Cook, anyone trying rannygazooing her will rue the day.
Image result for kazoo
Running Kazoo.  Close enough
     V-Shaped: absolutely no idea, except that in context it doesn't look good.
     Rem acu tetigesti:  Latin, of course.  "You have hit the point with a needle", or, in a much less subtle way, hit the nail on the head.
Image result for tibesti mountains
Tibesti mountains.  Close enough

Aaaaand there's no room for Doctor Who in this post.  Sorry***!

* And every other sci-fi fillum since 1925
** The anarchic swine! said Conrad the fountain-pen buff
*** Actually I'm not, not one bit.  Ha!

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