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Saturday 10 October 2015

Part Two - With A Kangaroo!

I Refer To Today's Earlier Post
I have so much scrivel to put down that there simply wasn't enough time or space before, and I'd hammered out over 1,000 words.  There is a limit, I presume, to what my prospective audience out there will read before getting bored, frightened or rather puzzled*.
     That's not all.  I have a plan for another themed post, one that seems to have generated enough inspiration and outlook for three separate blog entries.  The more I looked into it, the more ideas came to mind.  I'm not telling you anything more - yet.
     Oh, yes, the clickbait title.  Allow me -
Image result for kanga and roo original
Bonus characters!  Piglet, Rabbit, Pooh, Kanga and Roo
     I did wonder about adding the chap below, which would require a bit of explanation as he is from a couple of generations ago and, whilst Conrad remembers him, I doubt any of you bright young things out there do -
Image result for spiro agnew
There you go
     Spiro Agnew.  Vice President Agnew, who - quoting Wikipedia - is regarded as one of the worst Vice Presidents in American history, with a record of " extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy" , although you have to reluctantly admire someone with such an extensive criminal profile.  I bet he jay-walked, too.

Enough sordid political shenanigans, which are NOT current affairs as they go back 40 years, besides, whose blog is it?

Brock, Pomeroy and De Wilde
Yes, I know, these three sound like a firm of solicitors based off Threadneedle Street, who specialise in torts within the property market and qwrcq j4p .,..£^&$)
    - whoops, sorry, dozed off there!  Lawyers.  Heaven alone knows why they feature so heavily in American television programs.
     Anyway, if you encountered any of this trio, you were going to have a very bad day, and not because they were asking for punitive damages and costs -
     - since they are incendiary and explosive ammunition, as used in the weapons in RFC/RNAS or RAF** service during the First and Second Unpleasantnesses. 
Brock and Pomeroy cartridges
     Brock you might have guessed from their fireworks heritage, Pomeroy not at all.  The De Wilde ammunition was nothing of the sort, as the ammunition invented by Mr De Wilde was hand-made stuff, and the version the RAF actually used was a complete redesign, and the name was retained to fool the Hun.  Although if your Heinkel III was being blown apart around your ears the last thing on your mind was probably "Gosh!  I wonder what the real name of these explosive rounds is?  I shall have to look this up in a technical journal."
"I'm just De Wilde about Harry ..."
    Which leads, perhaps inevitably, to Biggles, Pioneer Air Fighter.  Conrad recalls several short stories where Biggles goes hunting German kite balloons with incendiary ammunition nicknamed "Buckingham", as this was dreadfully effective in igniting the hydrogen-filled gasbags.  It was also deemed illegal to use in air-to-air combat, and any RFC/RNAS/RAF pilot using it had to carry written, signed orders allowing it's use.
Image result for biggles
What the well-dressed pilot of 1918 was wearing

Enough of carnage and discord!  Bring on the dancing horses!  Or is it girls?

Dancing Dog?
As you surely know by now, the Mansion is protected by a four-legged mobile alarm system that goes by the name of Edna Wunderhund.  She is worryingly clever.  "Dance, Edna, Dance!" you command, and she does a triple whirl in anticipation of a dog treat.  "Go get the monkey!" and she comes back with her soggy, tatty, ratty, dislocated soft toy.  If it's not in view she goes to look for it.
     All we need is some idiot scientist to invent robot hands for dogs and she'll be running the world in a matter of months.
     You want proof?  Here is the thin end of the wedge -

Image result for rias home insurance
Dancing dog.  A Border Terrier, no less -
er - it's not pressing the buttons there, is it?  Is it!
     What do you have to say to that, Edna?
Dreaming of robot hands, obviously
     I think we shall move on apace -

"Right Ho, Jeeves" By P.G. Wodehouse
PLEASE!  The title is nothing to do with repellent modern vulgar slang, it is instead a somewhat dated English expression meaning "Okay" or "Jolly Good" or "I agree".  A versatile little phrase, in fact, which Conrad still uses on occasion, especially if he wants to puzzle his work colleagues, who use terms like "Roger that" or "A-Okay" or "Houston we are go for trans-lunar injection***".
     I can't remember the plot to this volume too clearly, except that Bertie takes it upon himself to try and make the course of true love run smooth for his school chum Gussie Fink-Nottle.  The aim is to get him to propose to Madeline Basset, which, if Jeeves were to arrange, would turn the novel into a short story.  With Bertie the mastermind^, we are set for a novel of over 250 pages.
     And you can predict that he will have to give up his white mess jacket as a propitiary sacrifice to Jeeves by page 258.
Gussie Fink-Nottle.  Big on newts.

* Any of these is a valid response.
** Royal Flying Corps, Royal Naval Air Service - who merged on April 1st 1918 to form the Royal Air Force
*** From my days at Cape Canaveral and Mission Control.  It's a long story.
^ Used in a very elastic way.

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