- the television show. I am referring, as I'm sure you've guesssed by now, to "The Martian" and Mark Watney, who is actually a barrel of fun*.
"But Conrad," I can hear you carping, perhaps also piking and certainly floundering, "You've already banged on about this. A lot!"
Whose blog is it?
Precisely. If I wish to rant and tant and <thinks> pant a bit more about my cinema visit, I shall. I made notes and everything. First! The trailers.
"Hateful Eight": I'm not going to bother with the tricky font. Eight travellers stranded in a snow-bound inn, featuring Kurt Russell with surely an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Feature for his beard, and Sam Jackson. Tarantino's latest, and it looks interesting, especially as he works in the line "Someone here isn't who they claim to be", which just HAS to be inspired by "The Thing."
See what I mean about that title? |
Bridge. Close enough |
Personally, I wouldn't call him a cocktail-swilling gambling Lothario. You may. If you like to live dangerously |
Hungary Games. Close enough |
And there was far too much of Sony pimping themselves at the expense of films. Before these trailers I really didn't have any considered opinion about Sony, but now I hate them. With a passion. To coin a phrase, "Sony Bloody Sony".
Right, Intro over, let's peel off the skin and have at the banana!
You Wouldn't Believe It -
I can run an item every day for the next fortnight based on the chemical ingredients in this tiny bottle -
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Balmy |
What? "Meth"? "Cone"? "Cyclo"? It sounds like a circus qualification for those who've undergone and endured the unicycle slalom whilst blindfold.
Of course real life is a lot duller. Cyclomethicones are liquid silicones that have a cleansing quality but which also evapourate, thanks to being very volatile. So they get used in - balms. Not blowing things up <sad face>
Holy Potato! There's No Metro!
On the bus, I mean. Not that the entire French underground system has mysteriously vanished, because that would probably make headline news, in between Beyonce And Her Chicken and the Power Of Iceland**.
It's okay, he has a licence for it |
Shortage of Metro matters little to me as I have at least two books, plus two notebooks and a diary to scribble in, not to mention my i-pod and - drum roll and trumpets segueing into sinister oboe solo - my imagination.
![]() |
Conrad, thinking dark thoughts. Business as usual, then. |
A Bit Of Padding
Not much, just to say that I've witnessed the errant and absent light bulb on the fifth floor of the Electric Goldfish Bowl being replaced overnight:
![]() |
The light of other days |
More revelations about life in Britain during the summer of 1940. One particularly interesting item that has little if nothing to do with the Second Unpleasantness is the name of a very, very specialised trades union: the "Amalgamated Society of Journeymen Felt Hatters". Now, given that this is Britain, I don't doubt that there will be a descendant of this organisation still around today, probably with only a few dozen members, all concentrated in London and making bespoke hats for the landed gentry and such members of foreign haute couture as can 1) afford them and 2) get onto the order books. Felt hatter being such snobs.
Also of interest is a pipe. A Canadian one, mine all mine.
"No, this is mine and you can't have it." |
"BOOM!" (Canadian for "BANG!") |
A Pome For Lisa
Since this post is already at 900 words, I don't really need to pad it out with more verbiage. But I'm going to anyway, because I can. I put this together on the bus into work yesterday, read it and weep:
We gaze upon Lisa now
turned fifty,
Embarassed by Dom’s
decorations nifty.
You can’t hide your age
by being shifty
Hopefully Lisa’s not
feeling too miffed-y.
We know that she likes
to travel,
Escaping a team that
makes her frazzle,
And wish she had a
ten-ton gavel
For Tom and Steve, ever
on the razzle.
She shortly flies away
to Portugal
For a Team-free holiday
This time of year the
weather’s abysmal
But she thus avoids the
daily horror Huddle.
Another aim, before she
kicks the bucket,
Is to see Thailand, and
the resort of Phuket.
The only reason she
might want to duck it,
Is that Stephen’s going
too, making her say -
*Obscure British beer-related joke.
** Exploding volcanoes and banks
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