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Tuesday 6 October 2015

Day Six - Of No Alcoholic Frolics!

I Do Apologise For Boasting
Only a little, though, as you know what a colossal bore I can be if there's the slightest bit of credit to be grasped in my sweaty great mitts.  Or great sweaty mitts, if you prefer.
     So, day six of no alcohol.     
     Erm, I thought there might be a bit more than that.  Art?

Image result for balloons clip art     DAY SIX OF NO ALCOHOL!!!Image result for balloons clip art

Image result for trumpets clipart

     You've got to find it where you can, I suppose.

As you surely know by now, Edna Wunderhund trolls into the Upstair Lair on a regular basis, to see if any floor-level food has materialised since the last time.  Having determined that there isn't any, she'll be back at the doorfive minutes later, whimpering pitifully to be let in, whereupon the sweeping process is repeated.
     Hence this photo is unusual:
Edna, unusually static
     Of course, after a few minutes she realised there were no comestibles and trotted off again. 
     Before coming back five minutes later.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream, For -
Ice Cream!  A line from the excellent "Down By Law".  Well, "screaming" is a bit excessive for Conrad, so we shall just say "Muted whoop of enthusiasm".
     This particular ice cream was made with blackberries picked by Wonder Wifey off the bramble bushes opposite the Mansion, soaked to get rid of any unwanted visitors and then pureed and sieved.  The end - compote? cassis? result? - was almost black, not very appetising at all!

     Fortunately, when mixed with cream and yoghurt it lightened in colour. Purple not black.  It was very runny when poured into the ice cream maker, though, so it got a good half hour of churning, which did the trick, and Conrad dined on it for breakfast today, hooray!

What's In A Name?
Once again I feel compelled by the spirit of mischief* to mock several current film titles out on general release, which means you ought to recognise the ones being spoofed, so I shouldn't have to hit you over the head with obviousness.
     INSIDE TROUT: "On an epic scale!"
     SPORKS: "The grater food"
     THE SWALK: "The height of romance!"
Image result for kiss lipstick

Of course we all know what this means, but allow me to explain for the benefit of the non-English non-human readers.  It means "economic of description", that is, being brief in written or verbal form.  Basically, the polar opposite of BOOJUM!
     Where does it come from?  Well, that, ironically, is not very succinct.  Latin, as you may have guessed.  "Sub" meaning "Below" and "cingare" meaning "grid", morphing into "succingere" and then "succinctus", meaning "tucked up".  Thence to "Succinct", meaning circlical" or, if you like, self-contained.
Image result for self contained underwater breathing apparatus
Self Contained.
(Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
"Z Nation"
Finished watching episode 4 last night, and it came perilously close to Jumping The Shark.  Why so?  Because here we had "phyto-zombies" that had apparently grown into or out of - the point was left moot - a giant greenhouse full of marijuana. Local Only-Slightly-Demented Scientist kept sending random passers-by into this greenhouse to Plot 47, so they could either a) harvest the seed pods from the cannabis vines - Conrad not sure if cannabis has vines but in the spirit of poetic licence we will move on OR b) Be devoured by the phyto-zombies.
     Conrad notes that Batch 47 is located deep inside the greenhouse, so deep in fact that it would be far easier to break in from the other end, rather than run the gauntlet of more-green-than-usual zombies.  In fact, why not simply drive a car in, use a chainsaw and bucket and be in-out in thirty seconds?
Image result for fido zombie
Fido zombie.  Close enough.
     However, things did recover with the arrival of the Zeros, a violent drug cartel, and Escorpion, who was devastatingly polite.  He even apologised for one of the hired help recklessly killing a passer-by to provide a zombie test subject.  Escorpion was, to put it mildly, extremely annoyed with Only-Slightly Demented sending folks in to die in pursuit of Batch 47.  Did Only-Slightly Demented survive the suave spokesman's ire**?
Take a wild guess**
     Also reappearing is Doctor Kurian, who managed to survive being rather too close to Ground Zero at the end of Season One.  He recognises the Zeros as they had been bankrolling him "after the government collapsed."  I'd like to hear more of this.  We also hear of "Black Summer", again intriguing and I'd like to hear more of this.
     And right at the end we get two characters for the price of one -
She's pregnant with Murphy's zombiesque baby.
     Things could get weirder, but not much.

* He and I are such regular acquaintances
** No.  He did not.


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