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Thursday 8 October 2015

The Wrathful Wrasse Of Myleene Klass!

Yes Indeedy Ally Sheedy
What, you thought she had a successful musical and then modelling career based solely* on her good looks and singing ability?  Please!
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A hard-to-find picture of Myleene wearing clothes
     I think you'll find her success is based at least partly on her manager-cum-bodyguard, the Wrathful Wrasse.  Art?
A right hard-case
     If Myleene has any quibbles about contracts or riders or addenda, she simply throws whoever's responsible into her Mobile 2 tonne Aquarium, and then next day removes the fleshless bones, burns them to ash, mixes them with ground offal and feeds them back to Wrathful.  Thus no evidence remains.
     I know what you're thinking**, so let me pre-empt you.  When the Wrathfull Wrasse is on holiday, the Bullying Bass takes over.
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Spiny Norman

"Poirot: How Does Your Garden Grow"
Please note that the Villain in this episode is given away by the Villain's Partner near the end.  If the VP had been sober or sensible enough to keep their flapping pie-hole shut, there would have no shrieking confession from the villain, and the case would have been a lot harder to prosecute.  After all, there is a motive, but only circumstantial evidence to point towards the Villain; the Companion and Cook are equally suspect without a confession.  Or even Sinister Bolshevik Revolutionaries, seeking to foment a little mayhem.  All in all, this Convenient Confession is rather a trifle pat, don't you think?  Although it does tie all the loose ends up nicely in under an hour, which is probably what ITV were looking for, as much as excellent set dressing and location shooting.
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Poirot has arrived: he's had a rose named after him.
Lucky rascal!

Claw The Thin Ice:  "Transfixed"
This is the latest from those local heroes whose frontman, singer, composer and studio engineer Ian Breen is one of my chums at work.  This is rather different from their debut "Exercise", and it includes two covers of The Pretenders and Jam & Spoon.  I like it, and actually caught myself humming the tune to "Mysteries", which has some very nice background guitar licks on it.
Claw The Thin Ice playing at the Travelling Man comic shop.
     Anyway, I got a copy of the album weeks ago but didn't get a chance to upload it to i-tunes for two very good reasons: 1) i-tunes was misbehaving and 2) I'm lazy.
     Having done so I'm glad, except that since this is not a release on a major record label, the tracks are all down as "Track #" "Unknown Artist" on i-tunes, which means locating them after I upload more recent albums will be a bit of a chore***.
     Here's one they made earlier -

Oh, Wo(dehous)e Is Me!
Yes, I am back re-reading the Jeeves novels I got last Christmas, as it has been long enough that I can't remember a blessed thing about them.  Today it was "Jeeves In The Offing", from 1960, so rather late in Plum's oeuvre.  In this dainty volume Bertie Wooster is cast upon his own devices as Jeeves has gone for a holiday at Herne Bay.  Remember, please, that Jeeves is NOT a butler - he is a Gentleman's Gentleman, although in the case of Bertie he's also very much the brains of the operation.
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Hugh Laurie.  Born to play Bertie
     So!  Bertie has to cope with his (fake) engagement to Bobbie Wickham, the need to keep Willie Cream from proposing to Phyllis Mills, to keep Mrs Cream sweet*, to keep the (fake) butler's identity a secret, to find the missing extremely valuable cow-creamer, to avoid his ex-schoolmaster if at all possible, and to ensure that "Kipper" Herring remains (truly) engaged to Bobbie.
     There may be more to it but space forbids.
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This man IS Jeeves.
Sorry, forgotten his real name
     Now, in lieu of Thomas Pynchon, we have Bertie's slang, which can mystify just as much as the unusual long words in "V".  The phrase "Fruit Box" is used, and I cannot discover what Bertie means by it.  Perhaps "A fine kettle of fish"?^  And what of "beasel"?  Apparently this was Thirties slang for "a forward young lady", although that probably meant she wore trousers and undid the top blouse button.  The there's "Espiegliere", which means "impish or playful" and Bobbie Wickham is nothing if not both of those, if not slanting towards the positively devilish - at least in Bertie's opinion.
The carrot-topped Jezebel.  Sorry, Bobbie.

See What You Did, Gerry Anderson?
It's official, SpaceIL are booking cargo space on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2017, sending a probe to the lunar surface.
     Not just any probe, oh no - this one hops.
Artist's impression of lander
Conrad avoids cheapening the moment with crude puns.
I thought this medium of movement sounded familiar.  And what do you know, Gerry Anderson got there first with the Moonmobile:
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It hops!  It stops!  It hops! It - ah you get the idea.
     Clearly someone in Israel has been watching entirely tooooo much Captain Scarlet^^!

* Do you see what - oh you do.
** Only metaphorically.  DARPA still haven't ironed the kinks out of their Patented Telepathy Helmet. Yet.
*** Oh the agonies of my lifestyle, eh?
^ Take it from me, never boil your kettle when it's full of fish.  The house stinks for days and it's the very devil of a job to scour out the kettle.
^^ If such a thing is possible.

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