But what the heck, I've just passed 16,000 hits on the website, so I'm allowed a little leeway*.
Yes, yes, I know I've also been spoofing potential viewers with puns about what's in the news headlines as of now. Last year I'm sure I annoyed people with a few click-baiting titles about "Hong Kong", and this month we've seen Conrad ruthlessly exploit the financial crisis erupting in the Balkans.
So - "Geek Bail Out"?
Well, if you bail out of an aircraft you'd be wearing a parachute, right**?
Go on, I dare you - |
And what is this guy if not a Geek?
I rest my case.
Hollywood And Casting
I mentioned in today's earlier post about Sharlto Copley being cast as Christian Walker in the "Powers" television series. Sharlto is nowhere near as large as the comic's character, but then we are talking about casting real people in the real world, rather than have them hide under half a metric tonne of foam-rubber and make up.
Now, cast your mind back to the film "Lone Survivor", where the titular survivor is SEAL Marcus Luttrell, played by Mark Wahlberg.
Art? Art, you sloven, get your head out of the coal bucket and do some work***!
That's Mark in front |
Anyway, the real Marcus Luttrell is a huge guy.
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Here he is with some other blokes for scale |
Edna, Sulking
Whilst I remained in the house, the other parties were out getting things for Edna, like a pair of claw-clippers, plus some Distracting Treats. This meant that our Wunderhund could stay at home with Conrad.
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Edna, being unimpressed |
It's a dog's life, eh?
Wow, An New Band Name!
One of my more idiot occupations is recognising possible names for potential bands. We shall pass over The Skreeming Voles^, as they weren't real and never existed. Anyway, I do enjoy a ridiculous band name as much as the next guy, so -
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Mid-right, thank you |
Har-har, as you may realise by now, Conrad likes to be able to sustain a theme as this means less expenditure of energy in creating new and interesting things. Whaling the tar out of the Bard of Avon is a theme that has months, if not years, in it.
Of course this satire^^^ risks the result of Misha and Grisha, our compatriots out at Strategic Rocket Forces Base Number Sixteen, Novi Palatinsk, getting annoyed at the mockery of their beloved author and deciding that Conrad, BOOJUM! and indeed the western hemisphere need A Good Seeing To. Since they sit guarding the Big Red Buttons on the graveyard shift this is a real worry ...
Anyway, back to the Bard.
"A man can only die once."
Obviously, you utter dunce!
Were I twice to die
I'd be not man but zombi.
Thank you. I left the "e" off "zombie" as it needed to rhyme with "die". Oh, and the original line is from "Henry IV Part 2"
You see? You see the effort I put into these things?
* And trumpet-blowing
** Apart from that scene with Arnie when he dives out to catch up with his parachute ...
A new Olympic sport! |
^ With a touch of sadness
^^ I hope not, leider is absolutely ghastly.
^^^ It's hardly that but I like to aim high.
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