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Sunday 28 July 2024

Privirea Aspra A Duminicii

Which, Of Course - Obviously! - Is Romanian

For "Sunday's Sternward Glance", because it gets rather boring saying it in English all the time.  Art!

     There's Romania.  Surrounded by the Slavic-speaking nations of Bulgaria (not named here but to the south), Serbia, Ukraine (un-named but to the north), Serbia and Moldova, and the Magyar-speakers of Hungary.  Yet Romanians speak what is obviously a Romance language, similar in appearance to Italian.  How did that come about?  Art!

Wider Europa circa 600AD

     It's a holdover from the Latin used in this region when it was part of the Roman Empire, which is why it has a 77% commonality with Italian.  

     Pretty obviously this could be a whole blog on it's own, which it's not supposed to be, as it's the short Intro to a retrospective post.  Better get them links posted.  Or, 'Mai bine puneti-le link-uri postate', if you will.


BOOJUM!: The Fantastic Iconoclastic (


BOOJUM!: Interview With A Vampire (


BOOJUM!: A Rosin By Any Other Name (


BOOJUM!: Nice Weather For DUKWs (


BOOJUM!: Ray Bradbury! (


BOOJUM!: A Word About Cross (


BOOJUM!: The View From The Rabbithole (


BOOJUM!: Rain Pain. AGAIN! (


BOOJUM!: Mashed Potato. For BREAKFAST? (


BOOJUM!: Practicing - To Take Over The World! (


BOOJUM!: China - is it The Right Stuff? (

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