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Monday 24 October 2022

Today, A Bit Of A Reversal

Just For Shizzles And Giggles

I thought I'd do what I normally do on Sunday evenings and put up a post of links.  For no other reason than to generate traffic on the blog, because YES! I really am that shallow.  All the depth of a desert stream.  First up, our click-bait illustration that skates just this side of decency.  Art!

The hoodie - a fashion classic

     Obviously what we have here are the sinister, evil and totalitarian Tax Police swooping in to arrest a married couple who have mis-filed their XPL9743/Living Together Legally Remuneration Form, probably by ticking the "Ameliorated Tax Deference" box instead of the "Ameliorated Tax Defence" box.  Easily done.  Hubby looks as if he's going to go down hard in this case - hang on, is that a legally-registered Atomic Disintegration Pistol?  Because if not, he's in for a world of trouble in terms of torts.

     ANYWAY time to list links.


BOOJUM!: The Hilarious Comedies Of J.G. Ballard! (


BOOJUM!: If I Were To Mention Huge Ants And The Desert - (


BOOJUM!: What A Blast! (


BOOJUM!: Conrad - Is Concerned (


BOOJUM!: Big Trouble In Little China Tea (


BOOJUM!: My Tropical Hell (


BOOJUM!: Mourn, Ganterpies, Mourn! (


BOOJUM!: Irony O Irony! (


BOOJUM!: Of Baking, and Saturn, and Storms (

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