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Tuesday 25 October 2022

More Of Manglement

This Is A Theme We Could Run With For Weeks

Because there is a never-ending stream of managers out there who think that bullying, harassment and creating an awful work environment are what management is all about - especially South Canadian ones.

     Because a picture of a red-faced man in a suit isn't very appealing, and because we've already had a picture of an atomic tank, I think I will prod Art to come up with a click-baity picture.

     This one is quite bonkers.  A gigantic woman with a prong coming out of her head, who spins cobwebs capable of suspending spacecraft weighing hundreds of tons, and from her fingers, nevertheless.  Yet who seems to be having trouble catching and curtailing a giant soap-bubble, containing the Obligatory Man With Gun And Girl Not Wearing A Lot.  Mind you, Gigantoress is fond of showing skin, nicht wahr?

     ANYWAY back to the Intro.  Original Poster worked in an admin office environment, and had a team leader over him that we'll call Petty Betty.  She was the kind of manager who thinks they have to overtly display their control over others, because otherwise they will dry up and blow away.  Or something.  Art!

Betty the witch

     She challenged OP when he rang to inform he'd be late.  She then changed the process and said she had to be notified in person - which then resulted in her getting calls at 06:00 on her day off to be told OP wasn't coming in.

     Betty also had a little chat with OP about his performance stats, which had a target of 50 out of 100.  He got 99.  Of course Betty had a little chat with him about the missing 1.

     To cover her bottom, she also adopted the position of "If it's not in writing then it didn't happen".  This backfired on her when she alleged certain instructions had been given verbally, meaning OP ignored them.  Art!

Art's latest crush

     Then came her attempts to have another little chat, where OP turned up at her office only to find no-one there.  This happened three times, with OP diligently taking notes of time and duration.  Finally, she called him two minutes after he'd clocked off, wanting to have her little chat.  He refused as he wasn't getting paid.  Betty then threatens him with A Formal Meeting, meaning a sit-down with HR involved for disciplinary measures.  He said fine, calling her bluff.

     Next day he attends a meeting with HR, Petty Betty and his own union rep.  Art!

What Betty wanted it to feel like

     She's claiming that he refused to attend three catch-up meetings.

     OP then presents his PHYSICAL evidence: her e-mails and orders for everything to be in writing, his chat logs and timestamps.  Ooo-er Matron!

     The union rep then asks Betty if she holds the position that employees should attend meetings without being paid, and that misconduct investigations based on that were an appropriate use of resources?  Art!

Wetty the bitch

     HR look upon Betty with displeasure and announce OP can go back to work, his records unsullied.

     Betty was fired the next day*.


"Hotel Del Luna"

Despite the title, this is a Sork drama, about an hotel run for ghosts, with a human staff, at the behest of a mysterious woman who is at least several centuries old.  Art!

     The beginning is rather mysterious, set in the Jeonson era.  Doubtless all will become clear later.  The plot concerns Gu, who had been promised by his father to work for the mysterious Jang Man-wol twenty years after she had spared his life.  Gu is then taken abroad by his dad and only returns to Korea 21 years later after his father's death.  Jang is going to have him as her hotel manager, because the current one is getting old, and she needs a human to interact with the real world.

     It was made 4 years ago, so it doesn't look as if there were any sequels, which is a bit surprising as it was one of the most successful Sork television shows in history.  I will, of course - obviously! - keep you informed.  Art!

On The Theme Of "Empty Spaces"

Next in the chosen entries to do with the theme as put forward by the BBC.  Conrad hasn't looked ahead so is just as surprised as you will be.  Art!

Courtesy Jason Shrubb

     This is very obviously a structure, either in the early stages or after being abandoned.  There is a building like this visible on the tram to Trafford that's been partly-finished for years.  Conrad always wondered why it never got completed and presumes it was down to money troubles.  Evocative and faintly sad.

"The Sea Of Sand"

The Doctor is treading a fine line between informative and retentive about scientific methodology; if he gives out too much he becomes redundant, and if he gives out too little then he's not worth keeping alive.

"Excellency Lord Sur," he began, bowing low.  "Might I make another request?"

     Sur's torso leaned backwards - a gesture of surprise, recognised the Time Lord - and he made a non-commital gesture with his hands.

     "I don't know anything about your world.  That means I don't have any knowledge of what baseline I'm working from.  Would it be possible for me to access a library - a data-repository?"

     "No!" boomed Sur, twirling his cape dramatically.  "You may not, Thedoctor.  Guards!  Return the alien to his cell!"

     Reflectively, pretending to be downcast, the Doctor worked Sur's refusal into the background algorithm he was mentally constructing of Wasteworld and the bio-vore society.

     When Thedoctor suddenly reappeared in the cramped underground cell, Sorbusa couldn't physically express his surprise - his size and the low ceiling of the room prevented that.

     "You are alive!" he exclaimed, strangely glad that the small, perceptive alien hadn't suffered Evisceration.

     "I certainly am," grumbled the Doctor.  "But I shan't recommend the catering or travelling arrangements to my friends," he shouted."Eavesdroppers," he explained to Sorbusa.

     The heretic nodded.  He gestured towards a pair of bottles stood upright in a corner, sustenance sent into the cell via trans-mat.

     "I saved supplies for later.  Would you care for some?"

     See, with the Doctor as a role model, nobody is irredeemable.

A Random Choice From "Brewer's"

The danger, as should be obvious, of picking any entry in Brewer's is that it will inevitably lead to reading another entry, and before you know it an hour has gone by.  I was looking at "Leviathan" which then led to "Lilith" and from there we came to "First lines in fiction" which somehow managed to omit "A screaming comes across the sky" which as any fule kno is the opening line from "Gravity's Rainbow".

     ANYWAY - 'Leviathan' is mentioned several times in the Bible, seemingly either a crocodile, a whale or a sea serpent (such as the oarfish), but generically being a marine beast of considerable size.  Thomas Hobbes took the name for his work on "The matter, forme and power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil'.  Art!

It's oarfully large.

Finally -

I have written out another Korean recipe, this time for Beef Bulgogi, for which I have all the ingredients.  I've also written out the details for Ssamjann, a kind of side-dip, and have been looking at Pajeon - beansprout pancakes.  My beansprouts are probably no longer edible so I'd need another bag, not to mention rice flour.  I wonder if Lidl do rice flour?

*  Sweet sweet justice!  Plus I bet this wasn't her first or only transgression.

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