Or not done. Chris gets an automatic Pass Go With £400 thanks to his work in the field of sci-fi illustration - we shall gloss over his artworks for "The Joy Of Sex" as they are very very NSFW.
Anyway, shall we batten the hatches and strike some matches? <clear evidence that Your Humble Scribe is making this up as he goes along>. Art?
An example |
Conrad, as a younger version of himself, used to gawp at Mister Foss's artwork as it defined a whole slew of sci-fi illustrations on countless book covers. I think we can come up with a few examples. Art!
I am not going to tell you which is what, you can just go and Google yourselves to your own edification. I do note that, wwwway back in the Seventies, Chris was lauded for his hardware looking used and abused, as if it had been in daily use for decades, rather than the usual pristine picture perfect presentation.
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Hmmmm. |
What Am I Cross About?
Take a ticket and a seat at the back! Of course "Angry" is my default state, so this means I am extra-specially angry. Today is Monday, and of late Channel 4 has been showing "Nazi War Machines - Secrets Uncovered" on Monday evening, which your humble scribe has been watching, as this series features James Holland. This is entirely appropriate as he wrote the thing himself, and do you know how long it takes to create a single second of dialogue on-screen? Jim also presents the program.
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Jim looking rambunctious |
Oooops. Okay, roll on Tuesday night ...
<heaves heavy sigh> Yes, another of those Words That Pop Up In My Brains from time to time. I think I may have read this one in a story at the weekend, which is a far better explanation than things appearing at 02:37 en route to the bathroom to answer a call of nature.
Anyway, what is it? I think it's a colour, so let's Google and find out, shall we?
Yes! Art?
Blue |
Hmmm. I shall get back to you about this one, Art. |
An Interesting Aside
My work colleague Ben hails from South Canada and provides an interesting perspective of the world beyond the boundaries of the Allotment of Eden*. I have heard him explaining a few minutes ago to Shahzad just how long it takes to get around by car over there, because - you may be unaware of this - South Canada is REALLY BIG. Art?
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An example |
Anyway, he was saying that you simply do not get crowd trouble at basebasketball games (covering all my bases there), nor indeed at the professional level in "football" (the South Canadian euphemism for the imported British game of "Murderball" a.k.a. "Rugby"). The latter is to do with No Little Fellers, as all "football" players have to be freaking enormous. Or was it No Limey Football? as they very definitely play with a rugby ball.
This, children, is why we call it "Murderball" |
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Like these chaps. Go on, mock them, I dare you!
It seems that the Air Force are not invited to these vulgar brawls, possibly because they hadn't been invented when these things began.
I think we'll come back to this subject, it has legs.
Speaking Of Eldritch Horror -
I know we weren't but surely huge blokes repeatedly smashing into each other is closely bordering it?
Here an aside. The works of HP Lovecraft are the only places I have ever seen the word "Eldritch" used**. It means "Weird and sinister - " according to teh interwebz, and if there weren't also " - and ghostly" added on there it would be quite close to a description of Conrad. Who is altogether too large and fat to ever be considered ghostly or only faintly there.
Anyway! Back to "Struwwelpeter", that book of horror stories for children, created by a Teuton sadist in the mid-nineteenth century. Art?
CAUTION! Small children are highly flammable and prone to exploding! |
"Can I smell burning?" |
A little digging yields this instructive page:
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So yes: mayhem with matches |
And with that, we are done!
* Those poor benighted people.
** Although there was that Andrew Eldtritch from The Sisters Of Mercy.
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