NO! Today's title is not a mis-spelling of "Tablets" nor yet the name of some kibbutz in Gallilee, and that "Arms Akimbo" stance is supposed to be threatening, warning you that the first comment about needing to consult my Collins is going to be met with near-lethal force.
Angry and akimbo |
As I was saying, this pose might be another Hollywood motif that has become a cliche, from all those films back in the Thirties where the gruff (yet secretly sentimental) newpaper editor gives either a cub reporter or his ace journo "twenty four hours to crack this case", which we all know is code for "forty-eight hours if you take the ditzy Women's Page correspondent with you," -
Hoorah! A picture of exactly what I was looking for! |
Where were we?
O yes. Aglets. The aglets, or, in Northern patois, t'aglets. Art?
T'aglets |
SIT BACK DOWN! For we are nowhere near finished. O no. Art?
The |
Hence a recourse to -
I say! No wonder I never got any search results when looking up "Telepherage"! Well I'll be - sorry about this, I was looking up "Telomere" in my Collins and - a story for another day -
- teh interwebz, which reveal that a "Telomere" is nothing to do with distant lakes,** but rather is a bit of genetically inert material that makes up the end of a chromosome. I don't know if we can dig up a useful picture or not; let's cattle-prod Art and see if he can convulse something appropriate from the files -
Telomeres |
Okay, time to see what happens when the motley, wearing scuba gear, goes into an industrial washing machine on a ninety-minute cycle!
Merely Being DANGEROUS At The Festival
Yesterday we covered all the HIGHLY DANGEROUS things that may occur at the Glastonbury Festival, which they have to not only plan for, but demonstrate to the local council and the police and probably the fire brigade, too, showing that their plans are sound. Let us move onto Part Two -
'Vehicle Safety' - Yes, indeed, for we are talking not about a tarmac'ed environment with lane markings, traffic lights, roundabouts, yellow lines and kerbs, but a giant muddy field. Were the fancy to take some idiot, they could drive wherever they wanted. Not only that, in the wetter festivals you might return to your chariot to find that the weight of 2 1/2 tons of beer and cider than you put in the boot has now sunk it up to the axles into clingy, sticky, oozing mud.
CAUTION! Drinking all the beer may bring further problems. |
CAUTION! Worse than the disease. |
'Infectious Diseases Related To Personal Hygiene' - Ah yes, we return to that theme of human effluent swilling around the neighbourhood, when it rains, or legions of flies, when it's sunny. So you are doubly damned. If you look at photographs of the site after the punters have variously staggered, lurched and tottered away, you get an idea of the sheer amount of rubbish generated over the few days of this event. A fly's delight! |
Close enough. |
CAUTION! Sinking at a rate of 1 1/2 inches per year |
'Drug And Alcohol Impacts' - I shall refrain from comment here, as this, as a subject, is such low-hanging fruit that it's simply unfair to chaff it.
I think that's enough of Living A Moderately Dangerous Lifestyle As It Applies To Festivals for one day, which means that, once again, we have to defer any description of the Not A Cult Festival. Don't worry, just like your prince, it will one day come!
Finally -
Trust the Ruffians to come up with a solution for a problem that nobody else saw.
Imagine you are a Sinister cosmonaut, fretting, as you descend from orbit, that nobody ever got Elton John to create a song for you -
Plop. You come down to Earth (literally; as if Pravda is going to commission decadent capitalist Westerners to write songs about you!) in the middle of the taiga in midsummer. A million square miles of mud, streams, swamps and baba yagas, with no roads, although they do have one trillion mosquitoes per cubic decimetre.
How then to retrieve these gallant heroes of the Sinister Union? Aha!

A Zil 2906 Screw-Propelled Cosmonaut Recovery Vehicle.
No doubt years of development and billions of roubles went into developing this peculiar machine, in the interests of proving the superiority of Sinister technology, all undercut by the single word "Helicopter" (or "Gelicopter" as there is no "H" in Ruffian)
And there, gentle reader, we shall leave it for today.
* If Hefty Harry the Humble Scribe was any bigger, he'd implode under his own gigantic mass <the cruel truth courtesy Mister Hand!>
** Combined dead language pun - Latin and Greek!***
*** Greek's not dead, fatty - Mister Hand strikes again!
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