Conrad reveals his hideous alien ancestry with his lack of Male DNA as regards things like Football, Cars and "Love Island". To me, the ballfoot game is of interest only in so far as people pour out bilious invective on the BBC's Have Your Say pages about it; a car is a metal box with a magic machine under the bonnet, a wheel at each corner and which moves when the Go-Juice is placed within. Love Island I've not watched and am not about to; I don't need to sit on a cactus to know that the experience will be unpleasant.
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CAUTION! Have tweezers handy. |
Thus it was with some excitement that I took receipt of a parcel today, which proved to be exactly what I wanted it to be - the 2nd edition 1927 reprint of Jerrold's "The Royal Naval Division". Art?
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I'm so excited! |
You wouldn't know it, because you're not an expert like me, that this division was numbered "63" in the scheme of things for the armies of Perfidious Albion during the First Unpleasantness. It was an experimental formation that the British Army did not like, did not want and did try to get rid of. For one thing, it's members could lawfully grow a beard, because they operated under Royal Navy regulations, not Army ones. Then, too, it's members were paid a small but significant amount more than the Tommies of the normal divisions were, which naturally created a modicum of discontent.
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Handymen. No women need apply. |
I think the 3rd Brigade was made up of Royal Marine Light Infantry. Don't doubt that you'll be fully informed when I get to read this volume; unfortunately that won't be soon, I've got the Divisional Histories of the Second and Twenty-Third Divisions to work through first, which combined are about three inches thick.
Not to mention -
Damn, it feels hollow and empty to finish the Intro there, instead of carrying out maliciously amusing torments of the motley. The injunction hasn't been lifted yet, if you wanted to know: no motley torturing for at least another month!
Conrad Carefully Co-Ordinates
Nothing to do with fashion or clothing - clothing? get outta here! - but rather my Ikea desk, which has been misused and abandoned, utilised rather as a vertical storage area for Lo! these many months, if not years. Art?
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Evidence |
If you are up on your 2000AD mythology, you know that the original site of Mega City One rapidly became a polluted, stinking, dangerous, foetid swamp, which they covered over in order to start again. So too Conrad's desk. Apart from the dangerous mutant denizens. A lot longer than I anticipated later - Art?
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Hay Pesto! |
Part of the reason for creating desk space again are those two books you see deposited upon the table top. I need to be able to switch between one and the other, before making notes in that notepad.* This is because - but I think that's enough of that for one night.
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Judge Dredd in the Undercity, a not-so-subtle metaphor for Hell.** |
Hmmmm. Given how preternaturally hot it is, and Conrad's propensity for sweating like a salted slug, it's entirely possible I will be naught but a puddle of goo by tomorrow morning, which will make posting my ante meridian update a tad difficult: slime has problems doing a keyboard properly. Still, we remain optimistic!
(This is being written the night of 25/07/2019, for your information)
And this update is from the morning of 26/07/2019, where I have retained my human form, complete with skeleton, and thus have no difficulty in typing, hoorah!

Thank you, bones!
And this update is from the morning of 26/07/2019, where I have retained my human form, complete with skeleton, and thus have no difficulty in typing, hoorah!
Thank you, bones!
More Bloody Shenanigans From The Third Reich
Conrad is unsure if scads of extreme right-wingers are reading these posts, hoping that their political nonsense gets a resounding approbation, only to collapse in tears when realising that an unwholesome gloasting at Herr Shickelgruber et al is more par for the course. Let us now travel back to the aftermath of "Night of the Long Knives", a misnomer if ever there was one, as it was mostly a night of guns and bullets. Nazis not telling the truth - what a shocker, eh!
Note that BOOJUM!'s policy of not swearing is still in force: the "Bloody" in that title reflects the gory truth.
Okay, "The Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, when the left-wing of the Nazi party were all offed by Herr Schickelgruber and his loyal minions, and anyone else they'd taken a dislike to.
Okay, "The Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, when the left-wing of the Nazi party were all offed by Herr Schickelgruber and his loyal minions, and anyone else they'd taken a dislike to.
An unpleasant goitre on the body politic. And Herr Schickelgruber. |
Ol' Bill |
Nazi politics - less dog-eat-dog than dog-eat-dog-the-dog's-owner-and-his-entire-family! (this is not entirely a joke...)
Behold the chicken farmer of doom!*** |
Finally -
Well, it appears that global warming has finally begun to improve the climate here in Perfidious Albion, and about time, too!
Mind you, that supposedly "children's" television series "Timeslip", with the pretty terrifying theme tune (go on Youtube and brace yourself with a couple of gins before searching for it), did postulate a future where the climate goes haywire and temperatures climb whilst the ozone layer thins out -
Pshaw! Yeah, right, as if any of that could happen -
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Too hot for clothes? |
* Preferably whilst not sweating onto the paper, which causes blots, rather. I found this out the hard way.
** I may be reading too much into this, but what the heck.
*** Back in the day, this would be an instant prison sentence for Your Humble Scribe, haha!
*** Back in the day, this would be an instant prison sentence for Your Humble Scribe, haha!
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