And that's because they don't come in half- or even quarter-exclamation marks, since I feel we have definitely declined from the toxic terror triumph of Weaselnanas, and the bowel-emptying bloodthirsty biliousness of Werewhelks. I mean - a Potatobot? There are already many illustrations of just such things, if Art will put down his plate of coke -
You'll YAWN with terror! |
At a pinch I suppose you could use them as the villain de jour in a kid's television programme. Are they still making new episodes of "Hey Duggee"?
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If so, I want royalties.* |
Okay, do you think if you fire a snake from a compressed-air gun it will be in a bad mood afterwards? Let's shoot some at the motley and find out!
Run, motley, run! |
<there will now be a short pause as I go and make a pot of tea. Talk quietly amongst yourselves whilst I am gone>
Ah, Lapsang Souchong, the Coal Tar Soap of teas! And yes, that is a good thing.
You C.O.W. !
Earlier this month we mentioned the David Recoilless Gun, a monster piece of mutant drainpipe intended to give tremendous firepower to the aircraft of the First Unpleasantness, which it certainly did.
There was considerable experiment and innovation at that time, as all sides concerned sought to create new and deadlier ways of turning aerial opponents into so much wood, fabric and iron filings. Hence the Davis Gun, and hence also the C.O.W Gun. Art?
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Art! You bafoon! |
Okay, Art, try again.
CAUTION! Cannot be used with tea and sugar |
There's a joke in there somewhere - |
More C.O.W.
This one, however, is entirely pacific and indeed is more to do with soothing savage breasts than stirring up bloodlusts. I speak, obviously, of "Church Organ World" - as if it could be about anything else!
What's that? "Container On Wheels"? Okay, I'll grant you that. Now, there -
"Crude Oil Washing"? okay, okay - "Critical Online Window"
<ahem> Art?
All Your Unanswered Questions Answered
Whether you wanted that or not. I refer, of course, to that Youtube collection of clips and queries under the Gerry Anderson title which calls itself "Unanswerable Thunderbirds Questions". What it ought to read is "Thunderbirds Questions That Are Eminently Answerable With
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No! |
Jeff Tracy has his own ocean-going yacht, so there are port and docking facilities. Ergo, they get their supplies delivered in multi-ton amounts, with trips to the mainland to pick up perishables, luxury items or things that might give away the fact that Tracy Island is not merely a hedonist's hideaway ...
"What gave it away?" |
* LOTS of royalties.
** NOT "Cowsers". That would be stooping too low.
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