Yes, we return to the mighty hand-held atomic blaster beloved of the sci-fi pulps, Buck Rodgers and lazy contemporary authors.
As I have mentioned, James Blish had a 'mesotron rifle' and 'mesotron pistol' just to be different. Normally Our Hero (girls not trusted with firearms in the Golden Age) wields an atomic blaster that works by <cough cough> nuclear fission, gouging a hole in whatever gets in the way. Art?
Dog Buns! They retailed these to children? |
Duck, Buck! |
Here an aside. I am nearly finished with E.E. "I get shirty if you don't make a reference to 'Doc' somewhere" Smith's "Galactic Patrol", noting that Doc did a fix-up and recasting of this work in 1950. Art?
See? They just had to squeeze that Ph.D in there, didn't they! |
Where were we? Oh, yes, blasters.
Here's another reason why phasers are rubbish; I'm including them as a class of blaster because - whose blog is it? They make a kind of 'zizz' when firing, with a bright red beam, and that's it. Art?
Captain Kirk, with phaser (and still in his shirt) |
"Of course, it takes a concerted effort to put it on Overload," I hear you apologists say. Yes, and you can bet some idiot is going to do so, simply to see if they can.
Okay, we've stranded the motley on the back of a log in the middle of a river, to see if it can - oops, no, sorry - it's not a log, it's an alligator!
Good luck, motley. |
Egad! I Am Distraught!
Well, a bit. I was gloasting over my collection of 'Official History of the War', when I realised that I DO NOT HAVE Volumes I and IV of the Mesopotamian theatre. Gadzooks! Dog Buns! Lo, they have been absent these many years and I didn't realise.
<heaves heavy sigh and looks to Abebooks and E-Bay>
I hope you can forgive me for parading about all these years in the colours of a complete collection, when I am in reality a shameful sham.
![]() |
The originals (1920's issue) |
Well, haven't I been wittering on. I need to hammer on with this in order to earn brownie points by taking Edna for a trot, and to get some lunch as well. Your humble scribe needs sustenance to create words of such wonder as these before you!**
Conrad's Guilty Pleasures
Okay, okay, that collection of "NCIS" Season 4 DVDs was mine, I admit it. It's one of my guilty pleasures, as is also watching "Police Interceptors", which is on right now, and which is also probably the reason this afternoon's BOOJUM! is taking longer than usual, even with the sound periodically muted.
Not really what you want to see in your rear-view mirror with their lights going |
Okay, Edna - fancy a walk?
<excited whimpering and yipping>
No? How strange!
<more excited whimpering and yipping, with added dancing>
You'll tell Wonder Wifey I was cruel and abusive to you? Yes I bet you would! Okay, off we go.
* Conrad not quite so sarky now, is he? <sarky comment from Mister Hand>
** They are so words of wonder.
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