- I know a lot of people out there simply thirst for a chance to cast off the trappings of civilisation, enslave the neighbours and declare your own pocket republic; but mind out for those packs of feral dogs.
Yes, Doomsday - or "Dommesdag" as they say in Norway - is quite the opportunity for those wishing to thumb their nose at what they like to call "teh gubmint"*. So, having it postponed can be a bit of a downer.
"What is he banging on about now?" I hear you quaver. "Surely there can't be any mileage left in 'The Sum Of All Fears'?"
Hmmm, dunno about that, I'm sure I could squeeze a few more Goofs out of it - but no, this is not about TSOAF, which only approaches Doomdsay without ever getting there.
No, I refer to that Fifties classic, "When Worlds Collide", because their mathematics don't add up. Perhaps Art can set the scene?
Fifties sci-fi goodness |
Assertion 1) "The star Bellus has travelled a million miles in two weeks."
Okay, that makes it verrrrrrrrrrrry slow for an astronomical body. Under 3,000 miles per hour**.
Assertion 2) "They are 3 billion miles away."
Let me now show you one of the unsung heroes of WWC - the "DA".
![]() |
No! Not a District Attorney - a Differential Analyser |
![]() |
A giant Etch-a-Sketch! |
So - Doomsday, delayed. I do so like to be - precise.
A Bit More Batter And Butter
Ha! Sometimes I amuse even me. Back to 'FattenFilmOrMusic' on Twitter, because I like gloasting about my ability with words.
Yellow Submarine Roll
Journey to the Centre of the Girth
Manos, the Hands of Fat
The Wild Brunch
Escape from LATTE
Escape from New Pork
Deep Fried Purple In Rock
Die Lard
The King's Peach
The Evil Bread
That makes about 20 in total, and that's all he wrote. At least until the next inspirational Twitter feed appears ...
Devil dough |
Back To Clerihews
You know I like to go with a theme for these, because that takes a tad of the heavy lifting out of creativity. Ah me yes, the creative process <Mister Hand redacts a lot of self-promoting scrivel where Conrad stands alongside the literary greats> and Dickens.
So - today we go with - Evil Dictators of Fiction. Take it away, humble scribe!
Emperor Ming
Liked shaving.
So he kept his head completely bald,
Which kept his brains nicely cold.
Okay, maybe it was Male Pattern Baldness |
Emperor Palpatine
Is recent in time.
He only appeared in the Eighties;
As a villain, he's one of the laties.
He's a bit dull, frankly, compared to his killer minion Darth Vader, who has a more imposing voice, better skills with a light-sabre, and a cooler costume. You can call it a uniform if you wish, it's still a costume. With a cape.
Khan Noonian Singh
Liked fighting.
So he got stuck in a space freezer,
For being a rambunctious geezer.
Hmm. All true, and not even slightly insulting.
The space freezer |
* I'm not mocking them too much, they tend to have lots of guns.
** None of that metric nonsense here!
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