Although that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I realise that skipping wildly from one subject to another with no relation between the two can be a tad confusing, but this is the 21st Century and we've put men on Mars, so get your game head on and - do keep up!
I speak, not of Roger Waters' unrelievedly bleak take on the human condition, but rather of Jonathan Nolan's unrelievedly bleak take on the human condition - "Person of Interest".
Totes this |
Warning: there will be spoilers. Let me emphasise that. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.
Okay, your humble scribe finally caught up with Season Five of PoI and saw it out. Quite a finish, too, as not everyone makes it. They never did balk at killing off major characters is all I'll say until later.
More machine |
Don't worry, the dog makes it.
Here a coincidence. Yes, another, and also another classic illustration of how BOOJUM! acts like a wayward child not taking their Ritalin*. There I was, when the actor Jimmi Simpson turns up, one of the original "Numbers" of Season One. Lance Paige the character, something like that. Conrad then besits himself down in the lounge to consume his Kim Chi Noodle Soup and there is "Westworld", starring one - Jimmi Simpson.
"It's not weird it's just telly," Wonder Wifey stolidly informed your modest artisan.
O Rlly? Nope. Conrad insists it's weird. I mean, what are the chances of two successive buses going past with the legend "Har Har Not In Service" on their displays? I know, I know, it actually says "Sorry Not In Service" but I can read between the lines as well as the next man.
- sorry, we seemed to have strayed from the tangent that we were tangential to.
Spoilers ahoy!
More machine! |
Who doesn't make it? Quite a few of the cast, actually. Root, for one, succumbs to injury and croaks. Reese, Mister Whispering Death Personified, gets shot and exploded to bits. Elias, for whom we shall shed a tear - he may have been an evil criminal mastermind but we liked his sense of humour. Greer chokes it, too, as does his repellent lickspittle toady, both of whom were of course British - we make the best character actor villains. Samaritan goes out of business, as does the Artificial Super-Intelligence that started this whole crazy business - The Machine.
A kinder, softer Machine |
Back in the real world - I apologise for coming here as it is cold, dark and damp - Alison was worried about The Machine becoming a reality. Conrad, rather less so.
For why? Well, he considers the South Canadians to have the technical chops to be able to create A Machine. However, there are far too many people and entities over there who value freedom and privacy and all those Amendment thingummies to allow A Machine to ever come into being.
As for the Ruffians, Tsar Putin would render up the soul of his first-born, and everyone elses, to get A Machine, oh yes indeed (and the Chinese too) except they don't have the technical chops.
Harold Finch's baby. Ain't she sweet? |
That Coincidence Hydra Is Biting Again
Recall, if you will, yesterday's post about the worrying new trend in speed-phlebotomy training. This may not be a thing yet, so your humble scribe is going to have to work hard at it.
What the hell came up as a question in the Pub Quiz tonight?
Well, yes, "What is the longest river in the UK" - no, no, we're getting off-track.
"What does a phlebotomist remove from the human body?"
Blood, obviously.
Is this mere coincidence or are Eldritch Forces At Work**?
Ah, how hard can it be to do this? |
Class In A Glass
Actually nothing to do with glasses - come on, do keep up! - and rather more to do with pixels and cellulose. Pixels because that sounds as if it has to do with computers, and cellulose because that's what they used to film with in the olden days. Dangerous stuff, cellulose, highly flammable, it lay in film containers simply itching to explode -
Let us get back on track***. Art?
![]() |
There we go |
Okay, perhaps you do need quite a bit of practice |
* I'm going for South Canadian street argot here.
** I've never used "Eldritch" in a sentence and this seemed like the right time.
*** Booh!
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