Originally I had planned to do the full review, going over the Signature, the Technical, the Showstopper and what terrible puns Mel and Sue committed, but I looked at the page of notes and all my motivation shrivelled and died. Could I be bothered?
No! For the night is dark and full of errors, caused by touch-typing in the dark. I know what you're thinking, that I'd slept through the whole episode, woken at the end with a sense of loss and resorted to lying.
Not so! Art?
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Proof I do my homework |
We've seen enough of Candice. Have a massage pillow instead. |
Referring back to the Pub Quiz, from which I am squeezing the last drops of creative nuance, Janet, the landlady, enquired about BOOJUM!.
Not that this was a random encounter and occurence; she is the landlady of The Pleasant Inn, where the Pub Quiz takes place.
Initially she enquired if your humble scribe took away the question papers.
"O yes!" burbled Conrad, enthusiastically.
"Why?" asked Janet, which is where I explained about having a blog, except she mis-heard this as "having a bloke", so I wrote down "Blog" to be clear.
Conrad found it difficult to sum up BOOJUM! concisely yet accurately. 'Nonsense' gets it right, if a bit lacking in flavour. "Tanks, zombies and atom bombs" is closer to the mark, although perhaps with a bit too much flavour.
There is no self-referential picture of BOOJUM! here as this would destabilise time and space
That Jean Paul Getty - He's So Petty
Just a quick item here about the South Canadian billionaire, who is credited with the aphorism "If you can count your millions, you're not a billionaire."
Conrad, who is neither a businessman nor a billionaire**, begs to differ, Mr. J. Paul Getty. If you can't count your millions then you're innumerate. Also, your accountant is robbing you blind.
Google it |
The Secret Of Silly Mid On
It sounds like an Enid Blyton mystery novel for eight year-olds, doesn't it? Featuring the Green Ginger Gang and Scroggins, their lovable pure-bred Pompanin pooch; these scamps get into and out of trouble on a regular basis but thanks to good old British pluck they always come up trumps!
Pompanion replaced by mongrel for budgetary reasons |
Well, the truth actually requires good old British pluck, actually. "Silly mid on" is a fielding position in cricket, positioned on the "on" side of the pitch. The "mid" refers to a position that is intended to prevent the batsman making an easy drive. The "Silly" part refers to the fielders distance from the batter - as short as 5 yards in some cases. The fielder is thus in a prime position to catch the ball, but also to get pummelled by a VERY hard ball travelling at 120 m.p.h.***
Silly, yes. And bruised.
Well, it made me laugh. |
I spotted the following credit during the screen roll at the end of the first episode of "Stranger Things": "Second second assistant director" and wondered exactly what the job involved, and why they don't get called "Third assistant director". In the case of queries like this, Wiki is your friend. Art?
- The second second assistant director (second second or 22AD) deals with the increased workload of a large or complicated production. For example, a production with a large number of cast may require the division of the aspects of backstage manager and the call sheet production work to two separate people.
And what do you know, there is actually a Third and Fourth Assistant Director position, although you'd tend only to find these on film or television productions with very large casts.
Well worth watching! |
* Which would be a bad thing. Just so we're clear.
** Do Raelian Sterlings issued by the Bank of Proxima Centauri count?
*** BOOJUM! - proud to use Imperial measures.
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