- although you'll all have to learn it once I take over the world. "Here comes the Supreme Dictator! All present must bow!" will be the incantation from my massed bodyguard of Music Police, and if you omit the gesture or aren't quick enough then Why! my Very Heavily Armed And Extremely Cross Police will have a word with you.
"Er, quite, Conrad," I hear you quietly muse. "So now we know what it's not about, tonight. What is it about?"
This. Art?
NO! Art - |
I'm still going to shock him |
This is an animated series from the Fx channel, and it is most definitely not for kids. O boy and how, what with the nudity, violence, swearing and sexual innuendo. It's set during the Cold War and focuses on ISIS (an acronym that had fewer connotations seven years back), a South Canadian spy organisation, and Sterling Archer, employee.
Archer is, to be blunt, an utter douchebag, with mother issues, as she runs ISIS.
Sterling being all cool and lethal bizzle |
Ray, Archer, Cyril, Carol, Lana, Pam and Krieger |
What was even more interesting was hearing it being described by one of the producers, Casey Willis, on a podcast. It originates from the creators of Frisky Dingo and Sealab and 90% of what you see is written by Adam Reed. From a group of 8 staff who'd worked together for 12 years they suddenly jumped to 40 when Archer began, and by Season 6 totalled 75 people. Naturally this upped the bills and budgets and Casey remained a little coy about overall costs, but did reveal that an episode of Season 6 cost $200,000 more than an episode of Season 1. This is partially explained by the 3 weeks it takes to create an episode: first comes the script, then a storyboard, which goes to the illustrators, and then to the voiceovers before getting animated and finally edited*.
Okay, hold onto your chapeau, because remember the bow and arrow and archers? This leads into -
"Rocket Robin Hood"
One of those things that crop up in your humble scribe's mind from time to time. Is it real? Am I raving? Is it real but I'm raving anyway? - don't answer that question!
No, it's real. Or, yes, it's real. Art?
Quality. This hasn't got any. |
See? Bow and arrow |
Woohoo. SIT BACK DOWN! This is interesting, really. I don't like that glazed look that comes over your slack-jawed faces when I threaten to post blog traffic stats, this matters a lot to me, the least you lot could do is show a little enthusiasm.
No, a slow handclap is not appropriate - oh, that buzzing noise is my Tazer, charging up -
See, you can look interested! Art?
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EXTRA LARGE for extra clarity. No, no, don't thank me |
Then there was a Comment that had been added, Art?
![]() |
Exactly. Wait, what? |
Also, I fear Derek undervalues the Titan missile. One of these (admittedly elderly) babies packed all the explosive used in the Second Unpleasantness, three times over. Wherever it landed was going to have the Ultimate Bad Hair Day -
Finally -
Conrad. All the pens, all the time.
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* Conrad prefers it by far to "Bob's Burgers". There. Said it.
** I hope.
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